Sunday, March 19, 2017

Individual vs Collective

One of the main differences between conservatives & progressives is in the concept of individuality. Progressives are collectivists, & believe the 'needs of the many outweigh the needs of the individual'. The conservative believes the individual's rights are paramount, & are the only true safety for society. If individual rights are not secured, then nobody is safe, & we become subject to the whims of despotic rule. Law no longer is the overriding arbiter for society, but utilitarian, relative 'need', decided by an elite ruling class. It is the central distinction between the left & right, & it carries some consequential actions from either ideological camp.

  1. Collectivists pretend to be altruistic, & ache with compassion for the downtrodden or unfortunate, but they statistically are the worst at giving to charity. They typically view 'govt' as the Big Charity in the sky, & worship it like a god.
  2. Individualists are more charitable, & tend to give of their own substance to those in need. They do not trust Govt to provide, protect, or give meaning to their empty, pathetic lives. They are sometimes hostile to anyone & everyone.
  3. Collectivists are good at forming coalitions, & gathering together in groupthink loyalties. They huddle together & rely on Big Govt to protect, provide, & give meaning to their empty, pathetic lives. They are very loyal to each other, & are very hostile to those outside their 'group'.
  4. Individualists do not form coalitions well. They mistrust any groupthink loyalty, & tend to be more curmudgeonly & contrary. Organizing individualists is like herding cats.
  5. Collectivists must agree with the Status Quo, from the elite controllers. They all nod like bobbleheads at any decrees from the Enlightened Elite, & repeat the talking points with loyal dedication. They typically 'toe the line' with the official party decrees, & do not deviate from it.
  6. Individualists suspect anyone or anything who pretend to speak for them. They are not loyal to any group, but tend to save that loyalty to their ideology or belief system, rather than any visible group.

So, when attempting to organize a boycott, among conservatives, there is an inherent difficulty in getting everyone to agree. They do not submit to a 'top down' mandate from any self appointed 'leaders', but question everything, or analyze the action, or find fault with the organizers.

Leftists can call for a protest, and many will show up dutifully as they toe the party line. And, of course, it also helps when they are paid. For many leftists, getting a few bucks will buy them some weed so they can veg out in their mom's basement. But if a conservative calls for a boycott or protest, right away others will question their motives. 'Who made you our leader, that you call for this action?' 'I think we should do it on Wednesday, instead of Tuesday'. 'Our group has a pot luck on that day.' There is a lot more infighting among conservatives, & it is the result of their foundational worldview. They are not subjects, but freemen. They are individualists, & are not easily driven to some point of view. It is not a bad thing, but it makes organizing them more difficult. Hopefully, conservatives will see the need to align together to defeat the collectivist madness, & resist the trend toward socialism & top down control of society. If not, we have only ourselves to blame.

The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.” ~Robert A. Heinlein

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