Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Bloodless Coup

When a nation is ripe for revolution, there is sometimes YEARS of disgruntled talk, solutions offered, continued oppression, & bullying of the citizens.. IOW, exactly what we have now. The mere suggestion of a revolt or some other remedy does not happen immediately, but there is usually a 'trigger' that sets things off. A face off in lexington. The storming of the bastille. Some kind of event triggers things, & it all goes up in flames. Sure, it is risky, but so is the status quo. Life is a risk, & we should not be afraid to make some changes for fear of upsetting the apple cart. There were mockers in American revolutionary times, too.. laughing at the thought of some upstart locals with muskets defying the mighty English Army. Most of them had to flee to Canada, or they suddenly became patriots. We will always have those. But we desperately need bold patriots who will fight for their freedoms & their country. IMO, we have more now, as a percentage, than we did in 1776, so restoring the constitution would not be that hard. Cowardly liberals talk tough, if they think they have an army or police behind them, but if those back the constitutional people, they will wilt like yesterday's flowers.

A coup in the US could be swift, bloodless, & to the point. A coalition of congressmen, senators, governors, military leaders, & other public figures could make this the easiest coup in history. It just needs to be organized, & acted on.

1. The military already has provisions for keeping the infrastructure going in their 'nation building' plans. They can just do it here instead of in a foreign land.
2. New elections can be held, with local govts overseeing their local elections, with some federal level observers, to ensure legality.
3. A military tribunal can be held to examine charges of treason & corruption within the administration, & arrests made.
4. The coalition can work closely with congress & the senate, with clear directives to follow constitutional limits.
5. The coalition can work closely with the courts, & propose alternative solutions to judicial appointments.
6. Massive dismantling of all the extra governmental meddling that is not allowed by the 10th amendment, & those prerogatives given back to the individual states.

In the new election, many would favor additional amendments &/or laws:
A. Balanced budget.
B. Term limits.
C. Elected judges.
D. Campaign reform.

The goal is to return the country to self rule, & remove the corrupting influences of special interests, the spoils system of appointments, return to fiscal solvency & eliminate career politicians. This is simple, common sense stuff that resonate with Americans. It can work, & we should give it a shot, rather than just continue the downward spiral.

I don't care who does it. All our public servants have vows to the constitution & the American people. If the courts won't stop it, or if congress is too frightened of its shadow to arrest this madness, then let the military arrest him for treason, & force the courts & congress's hand.

I would have more confidence in some disciplined military people than the double-talking politicians & their moneyed cronies. Where has 'trusting' the politicians brought us? Is the constitution followed? Do they keep their vows? NO!! they are complicit with the administration with his treason & gutting of the economy, trampling the constitution, ruling by decree, & plunging us to collapse. I would support a coalition of high ranking military people who went out on a limb to save the country. It IS the last straw, & the last resort for us as a nation, except for a popular uprising without the military. But if they start it, the people will join in & the goal will not be to install a dictator, but to return us to constitutional Law.. the basic premise of the nation. THAT is what America is, not this convoluted, money grubbing, corruption filled, group of liars & scoundrels that has infested our governance for decades.

It is time for drastic action, not more words. Take away their power, they will not surrender it willingly. Force is the last resort for deterrence & submission to Law. Our representatives do not fear the people, but plunder us for their own gain. It is time for the workers of the land to throw off the shackles of oppression & send these moochers & looters to fend for themselves, instead of feasting on our lifeblood.