Sunday, May 24, 2015

Saving America

The American Experiment was one of self rule & govt as a servant, that secured the basic rights of Life, Liberty, & Property. Over the years, we have strayed from that mission statement, & are a dim reflection of our original intent.

Any society has problems. Some are innocuous, & others threaten the fabric of that society, if they are not resolved.

1. Post Western Civilization. The root of America's decline can be seen in the decline of western civilization as a whole. The concepts of Natural Law, the dignity of man, & order in the universe are giving way to imperial rule, science by decree, & the view of man as an animal. The core of this decline is based in a naturalistic view of the universe, without God, moral law, or accountability for actions. Moral relativism is sweeping the culture, where once a strong sense of morality was reflected. This fundamental view of humanity & the universe is at the core of the decline of western civilization. Almost all other problems can be found stemming from this root.
2. The rise of a ruling elite. The American system of govt is becoming dominated by a ruling elite. Professional politicians worm their way into power & become rich beyond their wildest dreams, all on the back of the working man. Instead of public service, individual wealth & glory are the lure, & are a magnet to corruptible personalities. The system favors a ruling class, run by lawyers & academians who have little in common with the real issues of productive American life such as small business & the working man. All the institutions promote & feed this system: Entertainment, academia, all branches of Govt, the media, the banking sector, etc. Everyone except the actual producers in the nation are catered to & wooed for influence.
3. Corruption in Govt. ..and all of society. America is beginning to approach 3rd world levels of corruption, where position dictates power, & that power is used for gain. Fraud is rampant in every sector of govt. Military waste, crony deals, bailouts, solyndra & other corrupt funding scams, irs power used to intimidate political enemies, corruption in medicare & social security is so rampant that their solvency is threatened, cronyism, nepotism, lobbyists, conflict of interests, insider trading.. .the list goes on. There are few watchdogs that have any teeth for our public sector, & winning an election is like winning the lottery.
4. Fiscal insolvency & the collapse of the currency.
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with a result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy always followed by dictatorship." ~Sir Alexander Fraser Tyler
America is so far in debt that only default or collapse of the currency can solve it. There are no assets to justify the dumping of currency into the economy, which only enriches bankers & money shufflers, by diluting the actual wealth of the nation. But the massive debt & dangers to the very existence of the nation do not bother the plunderers, who just print more & spend wildly, enriching themselves & their corrupt cronies.
5. Law & due process giving way to imperial rule by decree. The roots of western civilization are reflected in Law. Presumption of innocence, due process, right to face accuser, and other basics of western Law are being displaced by imperial rule. Relative morality, driven by a hidden Politically Correct engine that changes with the weather is becoming the new standard of Law. False narratives are promoted that accuse, try, & condemn any political or cultural enemies, rather than following due process & Law. Public trials by the media take center stage in cases like Martin/Zimmerman, Ferguson, Baltimore, & countless other examples. Some are in the national narrative, & some remain local. But the standard of accusation & guilt being declared, by the media or the decree of public officials shows the disdain for due process & illustrates the decay of individual rights. Grievance & phony narrative are elevated over Law, providing further examples of this departure from Natural Law.
6. Dependency & entitlement are not just tolerated, but promoted & celebrated. Govt programs build dependency & tear at the fabric of society, replacing the nuclear family with nanny state bureaucrats. The welfare state is nothing more than a progressive zoo, where self reliance & opportunity are meaningless terms.
7. Redistribution: Theft of Property. Collectivist notions are constantly pounded into the public consciousness, ignoring the basic violation of individual property & sovereignty. Political activism, which is nothing more than plundering the treasury under the euphemistic terms of 'economic equality' or 'social justice' do violence to the previous world view of natural rights to life & property.
8. Truth by Decree. The educational system is slowly changing from the former model of discovery & enlightenment, to one of mandated conformity & indoctrination. Critical thinking skills are not promoted, but memorized dogma. Even science is by mandate, with an ideological agenda, not truth, as the goal.
9. The perversion of Law into an instrument of plunder.
"Men naturally rebel against the injustice of which they are victims. Thus, when plunder is organized by law for the profit of those who make the law, all the plundered classes try somehow to enter -- by peaceful or revolutionary means -- into the making of laws. According to their degree of enlightenment, these plundered classes may propose one of two entirely different purposes when they attempt to attain political power: Either they may wish to stop lawful plunder, or they may wish to share in it." ~Frederic Bastiat
As the sense of Natural Law has declined, & moral relativism dominates the social conscience, Law is no longer seen as a standalone entity, with absolute truth as a basis, but a fluid, relativistic thing to be manipulated by those in power. Greedy manipulators gain power & use Law to plunder the working man & promote a utopian agenda.
10. Division. The national unity of America used to be our system of self rule. Regardless of our economic status, race, gender, religious views, or education, we were united in the common cause of a govt of, by, & for the people. This is giving way to divisive partisanship, where special interests & artificial loyalties trump our national ideology. Years of indoctrination by anti-American forces have soured the common citizen on the virtues of the American experiment, & have focused on division, suspicion, envy, & hate to unite into narrow partisan groups.

1. Spiritual Awakening. As long as the root of our worldview is based on naturalism, we cannot regain a sense of the dignity of man, Natural Law, order in the universe, & a sense of higher destiny. Stopping the indoctrination of naturalism would be a step, but a hard one, as the institutions are steeped in naturalistic dogma, & their goal is indoctrination. Without a basis of morality, dignity, & accountability, man is nothing more than a wild animal, with only survival instincts to drive him.
2. Emphasis on citizen representatives. Stop the trend of a ruling elite. Term limits, minimal compensation for public service, & severe penalties for corruption should be the standard of American governance. Elitism, celebrity worship, & winking at corruption should be seen as enemies of the American system of governance.
3. As in #2, severe penalties for public corruption.
4. Balanced budget, & stabilizing the currency. Tie it to hard assets, & real production, not fiat declarations.
5. Will require solution #1, with a sense of moral absolutes & natural Law guiding our legislative process, rather than moral relativism.
6. Dismantle the welfare state, promote a work ethic, personal responsibility, & nuclear family values. End the nanny state & the collectivist view of raising children. All they produce is thugs & sociopaths.
7. Stop all collectivist schemes of redistribution. Respect the property of the individual, & have minimal demands on the taxpayers for basic govt: National defense, regulation of commerce, interstate infrastructure.
8. Reform the educational system, promoting critical thinking & discovery over indoctrination. This will also require solution #1. The root must be there for the fruit to bear.
9. Follow the constitution. Return to the American values of Law & separation of powers. Impeach enemies of the constitution, & wake up the citizens to a more assertive role in this nation of self rule. Reform voting. Authorize productive citizens to vote, not moochers or looters in society. This is the most radical solution to the problems in America, as universal suffrage is the holy grail of democracy. But it is an enemy of the producers & the rule of Law. Those who PAY for the services of govt should be the ones who decides WHO the representatives are, not those who BENEFIT from the services of govt. That is a built-in conflict of interest, & promotes 'voting for a living' as an avocation.
10. The only solution to this is still #1. It will take enlightenment within the culture to see the real evils, & oppose them. Propaganda will have to be despised, lies exposed & hated. Unless the overriding unity of our common ideology becomes preeminent, the artificial divisions of race, social standing, money, & power will continue to divide us.

I have little hope of a reversal of the current trends, as the indoctrination of a naturalistic view of the universe is pounded into every citizen since birth, from all human institutions. It would take a miracle, for reason & clear thinking to overcome hysteria & emotional appeals. It would require an awakening, & a return to the values of Western Civilization, which is clearly in decline across the globe. The enemies of truth & freedom are too many, & they control the narrative.

But, it has happened before, it can happen again. There can be an awakening of a moral conscience, & a return to the values of Civilized Man. But the course we are on, driven by the progressive left & radical Islam, leads back to the dark ages. They are enemies of Western Civilization, & will not rest until they destroy it.