Friday, January 31, 2014

my state of the union response..

I try to watch the major speeches from our political leaders.. i want to hear from them directly, & read the whole package & context. So i watched it last night.
The introductions definitely set the mood... row after row of elite, painted, stretched & lifted faces, living for years off the producers of the nation, steeped in their own importance... glad handing each other for their success in plundering the treasury & their ascent on the backs of the working man.. The extended applause.. phony admiration, & the setup to deceive.. all of it just built the disdain & disgust in me as i saw first hand the clear evidence for the corruption of America.
Thieves & scoundrels, the lot of them! Hiding behind hypocritical smiles & slimy handshakes, hugs more appropriate for snakes than humans.. they are complicit in the destruction of the nation, ruining the currency, plundering the treasury to enrich themselves & their cronies. Repugnance, disdain, disgust, despise.. there are no words & no alliteration is sufficient to communicate the revulsion i felt for these maggots... they represent themselves, & care nothing for the people. They are professional liars, thieves & crooks.. all should be in prison.
We have drifted so far from a 'citizen representative' govt there is no semblance to the original intent. We have an elitist ruling class.. made up of charlatans & slimy snakes who worm their way into favor with lies & deceit. Everything they do.. every word they speak.. is filled with corruption & lies. They are filled with disease, spreading their virus of deadly infection to everyone they contact.
We should not be applauding these criminals, we should be handing out pitchforks & torches, & driving them from the village. They are monsters, distorting any good in humanity & corrupting anything they touch. Row after row of leeches.. deadbeats who have never done a productive lick of work in their life, yet living a life of ease & luxury off of hard working american workers.
There is no penance for their crimes. There is no punishment adequate.. If we repossessed all their stolen property, then sold these disgusting excuses for humanity into slavery, along with all their family, friends, & cronies, it would not be enough for the crimes they have committed against America. Guillotines are not enough.
Phoney smiles, phoney words, phoney emotion, phoney reason.. EVERYTHING they are, say, & do is filled with hypocrisy & fraud. If i had the power, i would march with an army & imprison ALL of these scoundrels, & put simple folk in their place. They would have term limits, make minimum wage, & face severe punishment for corruption.
Ok, now the speech. Here's what i remember..
'Blah, blah, blah... yada, yada, yada..' 
'I'm an arrogant a$$hole, who hates american liberty, & wants to destroy the nation'. 
'I can lie better than anyone in this room'.
'American people are so stupid you can take everything they have worked for & make all your friends & cronies rich.'
'F**k the constitution.'
'If i had scales, i would look like a snake.'
'Vampires & leeches are my 2 favorite things'.
'blah, blah, blah..'
For this, wave after wave of standing applause, reveling in their deception & destruction of the nation, & their exploitation of the working man.
We are in such desperate need of revolution.. i don't know how we've lasted this long.

anarchy vs the constitution

It seems to me, the current options for governance are:

1. continue the statist slide.
2. collapse the system & start over.
3. return to the constitution & re-implement it

I am advocating #3. Some are advocating #2. Obama & his cronies are advocating #1, which IMO, accomplishes the same as #2, just not as immediately.

The constitution is not that complicated, nor are the overreaches & systematic tramplings of the constitution over the last 100 yrs that mysterious.

Govt exists by power. Those who have the power make the rules. It is my contention that the principles in the declaration of independence provide the most freedom & opportunity for the most people, than any other system in the history of humanity. Some anarchists & libertarians are lumping the american experiment in with monarchies, dictatorships, & socialist authoritarian systems. To them ALL govt is evil. But they have nothing better.. just imagination & fantasy. America works. It can work again. The constitution is MUCH better than anarchy or despotic rule.

I hope to be part of a minority of people who will fight for this concept, for this & future generations. I do NOT want to see america swallowed up by statism, or collapse into anarchy. Either of those will kill it, & the dream of america will be over. The parade of despots will continue, promising pies in the sky for compliance.

Actually, ANYONE who has a dream of what we can be, or should be.. can spell it out. Lay out the framework, with the basis for the ideals.  I'm sticking with the proven (and idealistic) us constitutional ideals. They are not working now, because we are not following them. We are following a socialist, statist framework of governance, where the nanny state rules & micromanages everything we do.

An anarchist framework does not provide the basics, like is spelled out in the us constitution:
1. justice.. law & order
2. home defense. National security.
3. Protecting the basic rights of the people

Anarchy is a 'devolution' into the old system of 'might makes right'.  It is a devolution of law & order, & only leads to despotism.

The Question for the Ages..

"There has never been but one question in all civilization-how to keep a few men from saying to many men: You work and earn bread and we will eat it." ~Abraham Lincoln

All of societal interaction.. governance, or anything regarding the human collective, seems to boil down to this Question for the Ages. Human beings seem to be divided between 2 basic philosophies or ideals:

1. Self sufficiency & independence.
2. Entitlement & dependence.

Those who are independent want freedom to reap the harvest of their own labors. Those who want dependency are willing to put up with less freedom, if they are taken care of. The basic philosophy is there, even if it is not clearly defined or stated. Left wing ideology is one of dependence. They look to someone else to provide their basic needs. 

The root of the ideology can be seen by the choices made in our lives. Those who look for easy money in the financial or govt sectors are different than those who pursue productive labor. A farmer creates a crop, useful to people everywhere, & is arguably the most important single industry of mankind. Bankers or govt workers look for others to support them, & purport to offer a useful service for those who are producing.

Our basic needs are few:
1. Sustenance (Food, water)
2. Protection (clothing, shelter, personal defense)

Anything beyond these things are luxuries for an affluent society. The independent work to provide these things for themselves & their families. The dependent look to the producers to provide it for them. 

Throughout the ages, almost every system of human governance was based on the collective working & providing for the governing elite. It did not matter if the system was based on the divine right of kings, or the might of a military dictator. The state used it's power to take from the producing workers & use it for themselves. Some of them used foreign conquest to placate the masses, & bring plunder home for them to share. But until 1776, every system of human governance centered around the many working to support the few.

The american system was a brief interlude in that pattern. Here, the governing few.. regular citizens, not an empowered elite.. were supposed to use their granted powers to protect the individual's rights.. to provide a society where the individual could work & earn a large share from their labors, instead of it being taken by the ruling elite. For nearly 200 yrs, that was the system in place, until the govt grew to the all consuming monster we see today. The granted powers are seen as entitled powers, & the rulers have conned us into working to support them.

For a society to prosper, those producing MUST outnumber the dependents. The expenses of society: govt, infrastructure, fire & police protection, any social services provided by the collective; if these are a small percentage of the income of the society, it can prosper. But, if these dependents grow & the percentage they take increases, eventually the producers cannot produce enough for everyone. A farmer cannot grow enough food for a growing population, if more people do not go into farming. A society cannot support a huge standing army or police force, if they do not produce enough to pay for them.

Probably the most misunderstood concept in the nation is that of production & dependency. Liberal ideology thinks money can be printed, or that there is an unlimited source of food, clothing, shelter, & other commodities to draw from. They think it is everyone's RIGHT to have these commodities. But how is it anyone's right to take what another has worked for? All they are doing is promoting the same scam that has been going on for time immemorial: "You work and earn bread and we will eat it."

That is why the growing dependency in america cannot continue. It is already beyond our ability to provide. The governing elite have just borrowed from future generations to keep the scam running, like a typical pyramid scheme. They are building a bubble with currency, conjuring it from thin air, rather than real production. This is unsustainable, & will eventually crash.

What is the solution? How can we avoid the repetition of history?
1. Demand fiscal responsibility from the elected officials. A balanced budget is essential.
2. Encourage people to pursue productive careers. Farming, manufacturing, building.. these are the foundation that ALL other sectors depend on. They MUST be the preferred, elevated career choices, rather than easy dependency money.
3. Value & esteem production, instead of entertainment & elitism. Rebel against the system, & stop giving the fruits of our labors to unproductive dependents. Clowns, minstrels, & court jesters should not be the richest people in a society.
4. Revolt. Overthrow those who are perverting the constitution.

It will take a change in the values of society, if we are to change the direction we are heading. If we continue the current path, there will be financial collapse first, then the rest of the institutions will follow, until the military force is the only one left.

Citizen Representative

"A government by representatives elected by the people at short periods was our object, and our maxim... was, 'where annual election ends, tyranny begins;' nor have our departures from it been sanctioned by the happiness of their effects." ~Thomas Jefferson

America was founded upon the principle of citizen representatives.. this was a govt of, by & for the people. It was NOT a nation of an elite ruling class, where everyone else was subservient to the edicts of the rulers. The PEOPLE were to rule. To make that possible, the people were to be the ruling board. The intent was for congresspersons to be elected by the people in the individual states, & senators with a short term elected by the state houses, & a president elected for a short term to run the executive branch. But this is not a history lesson. It is a call for a return to citizen representation, & the reasons for it.

Why would citizen representatives be better than a ruling class?

1. Power corrupts. It is the nature of power to corrupt those who have it. The only solution is a system of checks & balances, with term limits on those in power, so they are not intoxicated with the job.
The natural cure for an ill-administration, in a popular or representative constitution, is a change of men~Alexander Hamilton

2. Money corrupts. Public service should not be a means to riches. Subsistence should be the pay for public service. Governance is a trust, & elected representatives are trustees. There should be strict laws for corruption, graft, or any violation of the public trust. Conflicts of interest, with severe penalties need to be guarded against.

3. A ruling class promotes class division. If the representatives are citizens, they remain equal to those they represent. But the longer in power, they degenerate to a ruling class.

4. A ruling class builds a system or network of power. Influence becomes centralized with favor providers, electioneering, lobbyists, & a 'good ol' boy' network. A pecking order of power grows in the culture of a ruling elite, like a fungus. New representatives, with no allegiance to the power structure, destroys that culture. A constant flow of new people, appointed by the people, keeps the power base fresh & unfettered by networks of influence.

5. Citizen representatives are the people, & reflect their concerns & values. Professional politicians live in another world. They produce NOTHING. They are leeches on society, & pursue power & elitism, living in luxury on the backs of the working man. Regular working people have a better sense of fairness & what the country needs, & will work to represent the common folk, since that is what they are. Professional politicians become elitist, & degenerate to passing edicts down to the unwashed masses.
"All [reforms] can be... [achieved] peaceably by the people confining their choice of Representatives and Senators to persons attached to republican government and the principles of 1776; not office-hunters, but farmers whose interests are entirely agricultural. Such men are the true representatives of the great American interest and are alone to be relied on for expressing the proper American sentiments." ~Thomas Jefferson

Now, what things can we do to encourage citizen representation, & prevent the growth of a ruling elite?

1. Term limits. This is probably THE most important thing we can do, & is one of the major things that has corrupted our system. Life time politicians worm their way into power, & curry favor with the network, & grow in the system that perpetuates itself, rather than being stewards of the public trust. Term limits keep public service from being a career, & make it a gift from the citizens.. a true stewardship of service.
"My idea was that if they might be re-elected, they would be casting their eye forward to the period of election (however distant) and be currying favor with the electors and consequently dependent on them. My reason for fixing them in office for a term of years rather than for life was that they might have an idea that they were at a certain period to return into the mass of the people and become the governed instead of the governor, which might still keep alive that regard to the public good that otherwise they might perhaps be induced by their independence to forget." ~Thomas Jefferson

2. Subsistence. This is in the previous list, but since money is the most powerful corrupting influence to man, it appears here, too. To keep honest, sincere public servants, there must not be a draw for riches. Elected representatives should be compensated minimally.. perhaps minimum wage, for their service. SERVICE is the key word here, not compensation. They are stewards of the public treasury, & do not produce ANYTHING by their labor. They have no right to huge recompense & a luxurious lifestyle on the backs of the working man. It should not be a 'revolving door to riches' nor should public service provide other means to wealth. Conflicts of interest, graft, cronyism, nepotism, & other corrupting practices should be severely punished.
"Our public economy is such as to offer drudgery and subsistence only to those entrusted with its administration--a wise and necessary precaution against the degeneracy of the public servants."~Thomas Jefferson

Just these 2 limits would do wonders in our elective process, & weed out hundreds of shysters & scoundrels who think public service is a means to riches.

Almost ALL the problems in our governance can be traced to the problems that an elite, favor currying ruling class brings. They are NOT productive members of society, but see ruling as a way to become wealthy & powerful. They become intoxicated with power, money, & a celebrity status. They are infected by the network of power, & look to work their way up the ladder. It is a culture of infection. They become zombies.. the walking dead.. infecting anyone who comes in.. all of them staggering mindlessly around devouring the people.

What can be done to fix this?

This is the tough question. Sincere people get voted in, & are overwhelmed by the system of power & corruption. They will not limit their own power. They will not limit their own money. They will not cut their term of service, but lust for power & climbing the ladder of wealth & status.

IMO, it will take revolution from the people. Perhaps not actual violence, but the threat of it will need to be taken seriously for them to relinquish power. We must FORCE these limits.. they will not voluntarily impose them.

If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify. ~Alexander Hamilton

In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution. ~Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Patriot or Traitor?

This concept comes up in any discussion about measures to take against an oppressive govt.

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." ~Samuel Adams

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government." ~Thomas Paine

"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~John Locke

At the core of the American mission statement, The Declaration of Independence, the signers assert:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

History is a record of man's inhumanity to man, & the struggle for individual freedom. Many people have rebelled from an oppressive system of government, only to find an equally oppressive system take it's place. The French exchanged the monarchy for Napoleon. The Russians traded the Czars for Lenin. Most of the time, the human struggle for freedom is met with just another state centered, state run system of oppression & domination. One of the rare exceptions to that has been the American experiment in human government. The very basis of American ideology is the right of the People to alter or abolish the government, if it does not secure our fundamental rights & liberties.

Now let us examine some disturbing facts concerning the current government. I am not sourcing these facts here, but they can be verified easily. These are not crackpot conspiracy theories, but current realities.

1. Stockpiling of ammunition by The Homeland Security.
Why is a department allegedly dedicated to securing the homeland buying enough ammunition for a multiple year conflict? They have bought millions of rounds of .223 & .308 ammunition, used typically in warfare. Are they expecting an invasion of Al Qaeda terrorists? No, they are preparing for civil unrest from the American people, just redefining any dissenters as 'terrorists'.

2. Army training in civil unrest, & a commitment to fire on us citizens from top military leaders.
The Army has a training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations”, where it is stated, 'warning shots will not be fired'. It has also been reported that the administration is using the willingness to fire on us citizens as a qualification for military leaders.

3. Gun control & banning of weapons used in armed conflict.
The administration is trying to ban 'assault weapons', or semi automatic rifles, even though they are used in less than 2% of domestic crimes. They are primarily used in armed conflict like civil wars. The government seems to be trying to preempt any civil unrest by disarming the citizens. This has nothing to do with domestic crime.

4. Drone strikes & other military actions against us citizens.
The administration has doubled down on their authority to kill anyone it deems a threat. Drones or military actions can be taken against American citizens, without due process. The Levin/McCain bill (S.1867) gives more power to the military, even allowing detainment of us citizens for any reason & with no limits.

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Barack Obama

There are other things.. executive orders, disinformation, propaganda, etc, but there are enough red flags to alarm any American who is concerned about freedom. These are not the acts of a constitutional, protective government that is in line with our mission statement, but an intrusive, power hungry system bent on domination.

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. ~Thomas Jefferson

It is time for us to return our government to a subservient position. They are not our Lords, but are simply servants & stewards of our freedoms. Their power has increased, & they are drunk with it. It has corrupted them from their central duties to secure our rights, & they are intruding more & more into our individual liberties. They are ruining the currency with public debt & 'quantitative easing'. They are trampling our freedoms with redistribution & social engineering. They are ignoring the constitution & the basis for our democracy. This same pattern has been repeated throughout history, with governments taking more & more power & limiting the peoples' freedoms.

What can we do to stop this disturbing trend?

"The best defense against usurpatory government is an assertive citizenry." ~William F. Buckley

1. Communicate with your representatives. Insist on a return to American ideals of individual freedom & responsibility.
2. Stand up for American ideals in everyday life. Condemn the encroachments & do not apologize for your heritage as a free American. Oppose & expose propaganda.
3. Vote. The upcoming election will be very important, as a statist victory in the house would open the door to more intrusions, & could perhaps provide the final nail in the coffin.
4. Boycott. Do not support any sellers who work against American liberty. Be vocal & assertive in opposing those who oppose American ideals. Boycott products, media, entertainment, or anything that profits from the American consumer. Use your economic power!

There should be increasing intensity in actions if our calls are not heeded. Public protest, marching on Washington civil disobedience, & other peaceful means should be employed to affect change. Violence should only be used as a last resort, as it has always been the final arbiter in human disputes. Americans are not afraid of violence, but mostly prefer a peaceful solution. But we will not trade our liberties for an illusion of peace & prosperity. I cannot at this stage recommend any violent actions. But i also cannot rule them out in the future.

It seems we cannot trust our representatives to represent us. So we must clarify & emphasize what their basic job is. If they do not do their job, we need to fire them & hire someone who will. Our words & actions in the next few years will have an impact on both our immediate freedoms, & those of future generations. It is time for us to stand & defend our country. The silent majority needs to speak.

Radical Action

Radicalized americans can show a determination & a will & a show of force to affect change, & it will be real, not some illusion granted by a deceptive govt. How many elections have the presidents run on 'reducing govt waste & fraud'? Or, 'simplify the tax code'? Or, 'bring real change to washington'? ALL of them, in the last 50 yrs in my memory. But they NEVER deliver. They NEVER bring us closer to constitutional liberty & balance, but ALWAYS drift further to statism. I am for voting.. we should vote. But we can do more.. much more. The politicians would like us to think that we can only pace around, wringing our hands, waiting for the next opportunity to vote for the next clown, but we can do a lot more than that.

If more & more americans would call for radical changes, & press the representatives, the military, & state leaders, & include the lists of overreaches & demands to return to constitutional law, this could easily happen by public will. But if there is not enough assertive citizens, a smaller minority will have to bring the issue to a head. We have to keep the issue simple: Return to constitutional law. No social issues. No bickering about race or personalities.

I don't know if we can do it. The progressive left are masters of propaganda, & control almost all of the institutions. The media, entertainment, govt departments, academia.. there is precious little in america that allows a call for freedom. Indoctrination & propaganda run wild, & truth takes a back seat, used infrequently unless it can be spun for political purposes.

see how in this thread.. an overt call for radical action.. it is being derailed by race baiting & party politics distractions. The real issues are avoided, while safe, talking points issues can be safely parroted with no fear of crossing the line. I'm not talking about safe, or following any rules of political correctness. I'm talking about making a nation.. a free one, where people can walk the streets safely, & keep the fruits of their labors, instead of having it stolen from them by statist manipulators from any party.

Wake up, America! Freedom is never free, & every generation has to fight for it. We can decide to make us a 'govt of, by & for the people', or we can let it perish from the earth.

Section. 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Note: It is the CONGRESS that can 'declare war' & 'appropriate money for armies, but only for 2 years! The president has NO power to declare war, or appropriate money for an army, but that has been ignored for decades.. Powers in govt are exclusive.. they are reserved for a single branch, with the others being the checks & balances.

Amendments 9 & 10 are to PREVENT broad 'interpretations' & relativity in the language of the constitution. IF the statists want to change it, they can.. but it is too hard to change it, so they IGNORE it! & make some weasely reasoning to bluff the people. We have taken it enough, & our rights are dwindling, as more & more tramplings are happening with every election. If we don't stop it soon, there will be no rights left, & we will all be subject to the whims of the bureaucrats.

"If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." ~Samuel Adams 
“Revolt is the right of the people” ~John Locke

The statists & progressives have been systematically destroying the constitution, & trampling it at every opportunity. I have no reason to doubt you will continue to do so. I am calling here for a return to the american constitution, not anarchy, or a socialist nanny state. You can keep you dictators & despots. We need a return to CITIZEN representation, with LIMITED power, instead of the professional politicians that have overrun the capital, with their constant usurping of power, not relegated to them. The congress & the courts have been complicit in these overreaches, & ALL need to be stopped & restarted.. a hard reset, if you are a computer person. We have a virus, & the original programming is hijacked by hackers. It is time for a reboot.

And i will not 'leave you alone' to continue your destruction of this country. You have made your choice to be an enemy of america, & you will have to face the consequences. Better for you to leave your fantasy in the faculty lounge. It will not come to pass in this generation. There are too many dedicated americans who will fight to preserve the constitution.