Friday, December 13, 2013

Money for the Feds

Welfare & social issues should be a state issue, not a federal one. All the Feds should be involved in is protecting the citizens from foreign aggression (which we are in little danger of now), & international/interstate commerce. We are beyond using a scalpel for cuts.. chain saws & axes are the preferred tools. Pick an acronym, & end it. Education should be the state's domain.. too much corruption & too much to oversee to make it federal. We need few & simple laws that provide a level playing field in business & protect the little guy, not the massive complex of confusion that passes for our legal system, now.  

The military should be cut, massively, during times of peace.  We are not the policeman of the world, & american taxpayers are not responsible to avenge every injustice on earth.

And money SHOULD be tight for the feds.. they are public SERVANTS, not lords of the manor. They have forgotten their place, & think they can tell us what to do & lord it over us, demanding us to kiss their rings & lavish expensive gifts on them. Instead, there should be nightly floggings, in case they have impure thoughts of elitism.

NO income tax, except in times of war or national emergency. Federal revenues can be raised by tariffs, the old fashioned way.. or donations from the uber rich.
NO Federal police force. Local leos can apprehend bad guys for the feds to punish.  The FBI is sufficient for handling interstate & international crime.

It would not be that hard to come up with a reasonable list of duties that would be proper for the feds.. like managing immigration or peace treaties. But we don't need all this nanny state micromanaging they have been increasing for decades. It's time to stop it.

What we need is for americans to begin acting like americans, instead of spoiled, nannied babies. It is up to us to take back the reins of power from an oppressive govt, & we need bold & fearless leaders from all walks of life to make the call.