Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Contest of the Ages..

The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power. ~Daniel Webster

History is a record of man's struggle for freedom & survival. Ambitious people have enslaved, oppressed, & lorded it over the common man forever. But over the millennia, humans have banded together to deter the aspirations of conquerors & despots. IMO, it culminated in the creation of the United States, the first nation centered on the individual rather than the leaders in govt. Govt was to SERVE the people, not exploit them. The people WERE the govt, & it existed of, by, & for them.

Somewhere along the line, the rulers created a self serving monster that did not concern itself with the interests of the people, but their cronies & themselves. Citizen representation was eroded, as a ruling elite gained power & jockeyed for position & re-election. The 'contest' that webster speaks of seems to be going against the people, & for the rich ruling elite, who seem drawn to politics like moths to flames. Unfortunately, we the people are the ones who get burned.

What can we do to turn this contest around? Is it too late, & only a 'reset' of revolution will end the current slide? How can the individual once again be granted freedom.. for his own life & property?

"This human struggle and scramble for office, for a way to live without work, will finally test the strength of our institutions" ~Abraham Lincoln

Those who rise to power, and in power ride rough-shod over the rights of men, seem always to stand in marble on our public squares while those who carry the torch of liberty rest in unmarked graves. ~R. Carter Pittman