Friday, December 13, 2013

Money for the Feds

Welfare & social issues should be a state issue, not a federal one. All the Feds should be involved in is protecting the citizens from foreign aggression (which we are in little danger of now), & international/interstate commerce. We are beyond using a scalpel for cuts.. chain saws & axes are the preferred tools. Pick an acronym, & end it. Education should be the state's domain.. too much corruption & too much to oversee to make it federal. We need few & simple laws that provide a level playing field in business & protect the little guy, not the massive complex of confusion that passes for our legal system, now.  

The military should be cut, massively, during times of peace.  We are not the policeman of the world, & american taxpayers are not responsible to avenge every injustice on earth.

And money SHOULD be tight for the feds.. they are public SERVANTS, not lords of the manor. They have forgotten their place, & think they can tell us what to do & lord it over us, demanding us to kiss their rings & lavish expensive gifts on them. Instead, there should be nightly floggings, in case they have impure thoughts of elitism.

NO income tax, except in times of war or national emergency. Federal revenues can be raised by tariffs, the old fashioned way.. or donations from the uber rich.
NO Federal police force. Local leos can apprehend bad guys for the feds to punish.  The FBI is sufficient for handling interstate & international crime.

It would not be that hard to come up with a reasonable list of duties that would be proper for the feds.. like managing immigration or peace treaties. But we don't need all this nanny state micromanaging they have been increasing for decades. It's time to stop it.

What we need is for americans to begin acting like americans, instead of spoiled, nannied babies. It is up to us to take back the reins of power from an oppressive govt, & we need bold & fearless leaders from all walks of life to make the call.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Time for an American Spring..

We are at a point in our history where we need to 'alter or abolish' the current federal govt. It is corrupt, deceitful, wasteful of the citizens' lives & property, & has spent us into near economic collapse.

There needs to be budget cuts that are in line with the constitution. ..not picking & choosing the ones we like, but cutting ANY & ALL of them. There is no partisan favoritism here, just meat cleaver fiscal policy. Cut the military to the bone.. the hawks will howl, but they have been overspending & over meddling with the us military for decades. Cut the welfare state to the bone.. the libs will howl, but they have done the same. Cut taxes to a fair amount that only the top earners pay. The poor & lower middle classes should pay nothing. They also should get no benefits from the feds for being poor.. just not be taxed for it. If states want to give away free food, housing, cell phones.. they can do it (and pay for it). But that should be a local matter, not something for the united states govt. THAT govt should concentrate on foreign affairs & treaties, a stable currency, & homeland defense. All the meddling in business, education, healthcare, housing, redistribution, & lots of other federal acronyms should not be allowed, as they are unconstitutional. A federal govt like this could be manageable.. people could haggle with the other things at the state & local level, where the people actually are. The federal govt should only be concerned with things that are of common interest to the states.

Here's my list.. open to tweaking..

1. Balanced budget amendment. They cannot spend more than they take in. During war, sell bonds.
2. Stable currency. Congress should take responsibility of the treasury. The federal reserve should be phased out, & the dollar stabilized with hard assets. Even oil reserves can be used to provide backing. But fiat currency is destroying western civilization. Just like the dollar used to be a set amount of silver, it can now be a set amount of oil, or a combination of precious metals. It can be done. The statists & world bankers just don't want it to be done.
3. End military meddling & occupation. No police actions, no unconstitutional 'executive actions', no illegal wars. We are in a time of relative peace, if we want. We are unable to police the world.. both by sheer numbers & costs. Make reasonable treaties with allies. End ALL foreign aid.
4. Wind down the welfare state. Begin to wean everyone off the dole. Stabilize social security with valid actuarial numbers, & make it voluntary. It should pay for itself, & not be subsidized or run like a pyramid scheme. Phase out & completely eliminate all redistribution schemes. They do not work, but breed crime, corruption, & trap people in generations of dependency.
5. End all govt programs & departments, & massively cut the dept of defense. We can identify any real threats to our security, & assign funds to meet those threats. End govt contracts & contractors, & start over, justifying each one within the parameters of real need for national security. Have several checks & balances for that determination. No foreign aid. No grants. No subsidies. The federal govt is too inept & corrupt to be responsible for handling the public funds in this way. It is a magnet for corruption.

IMO, 3 branches of govt, with corresponding checks & balances, are the best form of governance invented by man. The US constitution is a brilliant concept, & can work if implemented & guarded by the people. We have been lax in protecting this system.. scoundrels & charlatans have sneaked in & corrupted the intent & purpose they are charged with. They have elevated themselves to an elite ruling class, & have forgotten or deliberately distorted the role of the public servant. For generations, we have gotten worse stewards than the previous ones, all plundering the public treasury for political & personal gain.

It is time for Americans to take back their country. Where are the leaders & patriots? Where are the governors & statesmen to call for an American Spring? This federal govt is corrupt to the core.. it is decayed & useless, except to lead us to ruin & destruction. It is time to cut up their credit cards & demand fiscal responsibility.

The power to determine the quantity of money... is too important, too pervasive, to be exercised by a few people, however public-spirited, if there is any feasible alternative. There is no need for such arbitrary power... Any system which gives so much power and so much discretion to a few men, [so] that mistakes - excusable or not - can have such far reaching effects, is a bad system. It is a bad system to believers in freedom just because it gives a few men such power without any effective check by the body politic - this is the key political argument against an independent central bank. ~Milton Friedman

Too often in recent history liberal governments have been wrecked on rocks of loose fiscal policy. ~FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

"I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people, under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy." ~Thomas Jefferson

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. ~Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Here are some steps for action. These can be tweaked for efficiency, but the goal of american freedom & justice need to be central. This is not organized or finalized, but is in the brainstorming phase. Clarifications & corrections are welcome & necessary. Some of these are a 'wish list' of ideas, & not all can or should be implemented.

1. Unconstitutional overreaches. They have been increasing for decades, & need to stop. These alone are justification for reform. Add the corruption, the continuing decline of the currency, & the reasons are too many to ignore.

2. A growing & vocal core of americans who raise awareness & demand a return to the constitution. National & state leaders should be calling for reorganization.. another constitutional convention, or a military coup.

3. The military has not followed it's prime directive, to defend the constitution, from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. The 3 branches of govt have been complicit in ignoring the law of the land, & they need to be held accountable.

4. All govt assets should be frozen, all military assets brought home, & this matter resolved. The military has nation building means to manage the currency, & a military board can hold temporary power. This is a risky action, & depends on the integrity of the board, to see a true citizen representative govt. It will be important to have a clear objective, which the military can operate under, & a balance of power, so no single entity gets too much authority. Transparency & accountability to state legislatures & joint responsibility with state militias can help ensure this. The states & local govts can continue their law enforcement, & work together in interstate matters, while the federal departments are being reorganized.

5. All govt bureaucracies cut, with a systematic dismantling of all unconstitutional programs. The constitution is to be followed literally, & not 'interpreted' in any new way. Law is clear, & does not need a 'modern interpretation'. Once the constitution is restored as the law of the land, it can be modified in the manner provided by law.

6. A complete audit of all govt. Assets seized from any corrupt officials, or from fraud or cronyism. Strict enforcement of law. This is JUSTICE.

7. Assignment of a transparent, state representative board to oversee the federal reserve & the currency. Clear & urgent steps taken to stop the ruin of the dollar, inflation, & economic meddling.

8. Phasing out of all federal overreaches.. anything NOT specifically given to the feds by the constitution is assumed to be within the jurisdiction of the states.  In other words, follow the 10th amendment.

9. Citizen militia. Much of the federal military should be disbanded, & assets distributed among the state militias. Enough should be retained to provide sufficient defense in the current global climate.  Follow the constitution.

10. Washington DC should be dissolved, & distributed to the surrounding states. The central govt should be relocated to a more central national location, with fewer assets & responsibilities.

11. Clarify & simplify the role & responsibility of the federal govt. Address the goal of 'citizen representatives', & the problem of a professional ruling class of elite politicians. Term limits for all should be considered, as well as very limited compensation for public service. Public servants should not be enriched through public service.

12. Immediate dissolution of all branches of govt. All senators, congressmen, federal judicial employees, & all executive branch employees dismissed. Their assets should all be frozen until their services have been audited. A revised compensation, based on minimum wage, should be paid for their work, & any waste, fraud, or corruption punished & restitution made.

The french revolution was about liberty, equality, fraternity. But it failed to deliver because of mob rule & dictatorial leaders. To succeed, we must keep the 'mission statement' of the constitution & the declaration of independence clearly in the forefront. Every reform should be viewed through the filter of promoting liberty or justice. This is a huge undertaking, & will take a lot of manpower, & time.  But reform is long overdue, so we might as well get started.

Any illegal aliens here should go home. We have problems in our own nation, with our own citizens, & do not have the time or resources to obsess over any individual problems. We have enough of our own. If our return to a constitutional republic brings civil unrest, you don't want to be here, anyway. If you have the vision for america, & want to help fight to take it back, i would give my support for citizenship for any who help with this cause.

Welfare State.
The federal welfare state is ending. It is unconstitutional, & is a state responsibility, not a federal one. The feds will begin to dismantle the administration of these programs, & any infrastructure & organization transferred to the states. Federal revenues will be cut, so if states want to provide the same level of services, they can raise revenues to do it.  But the feds are broke, & the gravy train is over.  Make the necessary preparations.

Public debt.
We can offer our sincere apologies to holders of our public debt, but interest payments will have to be suspended while the nation reorganizes. We can offer assurances that we will resume repayment of the public debt after our financial house is in order.

Global & national recession & economic uncertainty. The markets will be understandably nervous, but they should take courage that we are finally facing our fiscal responsibilities. A balanced budget will be required, as well as a stable currency that reflects the true production of the nation. It can be tied to hard assets, or oil, or other commodities. Chicken littles will flourish, & profiteers will too. It will be important to urge people to work & produce as usual, even increasing production. The markets will stabilize, & confidence will return. As the new govt is assembled, simple, fair, constitutional regulations can be implemented to encourage economic growth.

A grassroots movement for American Liberty

I'm sympathetic to the ideals of the tea party, but I'm not a member of any of the 'groups'. I wonder about the wisdom or effectiveness of these groups. Many seem to be opportunistic people jumping on a bandwagon to make money. That ruins the movement, IMO. Then, they claim to speak for everyone, because they have the name in their website or PAC organization.

I don't want to start any group, or join any group. I see the need for communication, & social media can help with that. I see the need for organization, & having a list of goals, or a mission statement of sorts.

But it seems like every grassroots movement is hijacked by spin offs, or special interests, or single issue groups pushing their pet project. A movement for American liberty needs a broad coalition, with an inclusive ideology, rather than narrow special interests.

Is it possible in the modern American political climate to do this? I know the media can only think in Pacs or parties, but can there be a unifying, overriding movement that does not get bogged down in special interests?

I have said before, that quibbling about details is like fussing over the dessert menu on the titanic, & much of our public debate is just that. The ship of liberty is sinking, & the statists have distracted us with 'social issues', or heated arguments over definitions. Once we have the prize of liberty, the other things will fall into place. But if we neglect the central issue of liberty, we will have neither liberty nor justice, nor civil rights.

There is a grassroots movement for liberty. The tea party reflected that, IMO. It has been smeared by the propaganda arm of the progressive left, but that was still their roots. It does not matter to me if that name continues to hold influence, or if so named organizations continue to speak for that movement, as long as their central message is not lost. I also think the civil rights movement in the 60s was part of that 'american freedom' movement. But it was redefined & hijacked by the progressives (ironic, because their roots are eugenicism & racism) & morphed into the progressive cartel.

Is being 'independent' like trying to not be in a gang in prison? Is the modern political & sociological climate hostile to individualism? Statists are masters of pacs & groups for getting their agendas realized. Individuals have no voice in America. That is ironic, because America is founded upon individualism.

Is there a way to demand change, with other dedicated Americans, without having to organize in some club like setting? Can we unite behind an ideology? Can we unite behind a call for action & revolutionary changes in the system? The professional politician, moneyed elite, party politics, monopoly on American politics is bringing us to ruin. The insiders will not change things, as this is their golden goose. But it is corrupt, & stinks to high heaven. Can we collectively not only express our disgust, but go hands on & demand change? Can we not lay hands on these scoundrels & depose them? Obama should be impeached, & the congress disbanded. They have NO credibility, & NO response to the people's wishes. They are corrupt, & live in a corrupt system. Reform is the only option, & it will need an outside power to do it. How can 'we the people' be this force?

This is a logistical problem.. i see the problem.. & the solution. Now, how do we get there?

I'm ready to strap on my 44, sling a rifle over my shoulder, & roust the rascals out. But somehow i don't think that would work. The DC cops would look at me like I'm from mars, which from their perspective, i am. The concept of American liberty is as foreign to the DC statists as the martian language.

So it seems like individualists & independent thinkers are outside the window of influence.. watching everyone else inside having a good time & getting their agenda done. The collectivists are very good at building coalitions of influence, & promoting their ideals. Individualists are not. Oh, we'll charge across the field, with the reins in out teeth, blasting away at the evildoers, but we end up on the ground, with our dead horse laying on top of us, unable to move.. dependent on some stupid Texan to save us.

Individualism is for the movies. If liberty loving Americans do not unite behind a very simple, focused ideal, we will lose it all to the collective left.

1M of us, six guns at our side, would provide a more impressive image to the statists. They could not dismiss or ridicule a large contingent of freedom fighters, demanding a return to constitutional law.. especially if we had a few tanks, & some trained military forces standing with us.

Where is your oath, US servicemen? You swore to protect & defend the CONSTITUTION, from ALL foes, foreign & domestic. Where are the state militias? We need to get a major force, that cannot be ignored (or faced, tactically), to demand reform, & return us to the constitution.

I think the common man is ready to wake up. The obamacare fiasco is a wake up call for a lot of Americans, in spite of the constant propaganda from the Dems. The lines are more clear, now. With the tsa, the IRS, Benghazi, illegal wars, & a host of other unconstitutional overreaches, the time is ripe for a SMALL but vocal minority to make a difference. They are always the ones to do it, not the masses. The mob brings destruction & anarchy. Dedicated thinkers bring freedom.

All we need is a handful of these visionaries. The dependents are lazy & deluded, like progressive pets. But they can catch the vision of America, & many already have. We can offer dignity, self respect, & opportunity.. something the big govt statists know nothing of. We can become a nation dedicated to liberty, justice, & truth. A handful of dreamers, who are dedicated to the proposition of a govt of, by, & for the people can do great things.

Color has nothing to do with it. Neither does age. True America has no creed, race, or religion. Liberty is the standard. For once in history, it is not a hollow term to delude the people to die for some despot.

I remember when American freedom was valued.. it was taught in school as something to treasure. Media moguls celebrated it. Hard hat construction workers were proud to be building America. This vision of pride of our country is nearly gone. But there is a spark of life, & as long as the constitution itself is not completely dead, it can be revived. But this is not something the govt will mandate, or even wants. American liberty is a threat to govt statism. But an indignant, radical group of constitutional Americans can change things.. i am convinced of that. Public support will be great for a selfless cause like this, & it not easily hijacked by bureaucrats or scammers looking for a quick buck. There is nothing to join. There are no dues. If you are here, you are already a potential American freedom fighter.

I think we will see a backlash from young people, toward the progressive ideology.. they see a life of slavery & statist domination, not opportunity. Many of them will remember their parents or grandparents stories of freedom, prosperity, & opportunity. They will want it back, & will reject the propaganda of the progressive left & their socialist utopia. It may be small.. we do not need a huge mass of humanity, but a determined core.

We need a radicalization of Americans.. or at least it will SEEM radical, to the statists & their propagandists. But honesty, clear goals, & common sense can prevail over state sponsored propaganda.

Refreshing the tree of liberty: Declaring the causes

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." ~Thomas Jefferson 

The opening of the declaration of independence contains this:
'When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.'
The signers went on to list 'the facts, submitted to a candid world'. These were the 'causes' for the separation. It is time, now, for Americans to list some facts regarding the constitutional overreaches in our current government. These overreaches, tramplings & corruption of the rule of American law are intolerable, & require the citizen's action.

"We the People are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts--not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." ~Abraham Lincoln

1. Wars & meddling throughout the world. The govt is charged with defending the nation, not playing policeman throughout the world. Armies are for wartime, from allocations not lasting more than 2 years.
2. Foreign aid. The constitution does not allow taking money from the hard working citizens & giving it to tyrants or corrupt dictators. Grants, gifts, & other corrupt practices with the public treasury are in this same category.
3. Cronyism, election fraud, & govt corruption. This govt is filled with corruption. Back room deals, insider trading, extravagant govt jobs for electioneering, grants & contracts with PUBLIC money for political purposes.. this is standard operating procedure in our government. They have no shame, & no sense of justice or propriety. Justice is sold to the high bidder, & truth is covered up for political expediency.
4. Hypocrisy & double standard. They pass laws & policies for working Americans that they exempt themselves from. We are being scammed. Our elected representatives work only for themselves, not for the people. They are greedy & self serving, masking their motives in duplicitous speech & smooth talk. They are supposed to be citizen representatives, not an elite ruling class.
5. Socialized medicine. The ACA act is an unconstitutional overreach, with congress, the president, & the supreme court all complicit in bringing this about. It forces Americans to buy something, & puts govt in charge of a private sector commodity.
6. Corrupt & racist redistribution policies. The welfare state has been a dismal failure, & has only institutionalized poverty. It is filled with fraud & encourages dependency. It does not help society, but ruins it, promoting crime & social dysfunction. Redistribution & 'economic equality' is not part of the constitution, & EVERY program that attempts this is unconstitutional.
7. Selective enforcement of law. The executive branch is ignoring some laws, picking & choosing others, & suing states over laws they pass. The ignoring of immigration law, & bullying states that want to protect the integrity of the voting process are clear violations of the constitution. The congress & courts are complicit by giving idle consent.
8. Personal liberties. Homeland security, the NSA, tracking phone calls, irs targeting of political groups, & myriads of other govt intrusions. They are acquiring police state powers, which are unconstitutional. Extreme punishments, debtors prisons, dark ages lending practices with student loans, & many other tramplings of individual rights are taken for granted & accepted in our brave new world.
9. Minting currency & govt budget. The govt is charged with providing a stable currency. The creation of the federal reserve was a 4th branch of govt power.. with the congress abdicating it's responsibility to provide currency & coin, & to mask monetary policy with obfuscation, rather than transparency. The subsequent deficit spending, fiat money, blending of banking & government, bailouts, & manipulation of the markets are all related to the policies of the federal reserve.
10. The 10th amendment: 'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.' The federal govt has continually & constantly overreached it's duties & responsibilities. Every branch of the federal government has violations of this amendment. They do not enforce it, but ignore it.

There is more, but any of these would justify action from the citizens. Some of these things are recent, & some have been going on for decades. It is time for the citizens to retake the government & return it to the constitution. It is time to refresh the tree of liberty.

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." ~Patrick Henry

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government." ~Thomas Paine

"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~John Locke

Truth, justice, and liberty.

Truth, justice, and liberty. These are the hallmarks of America. These are the virtues we need to return to.
It is not time to get bogged down in unnecessary details. That is like debating the dessert menu on the Titanic. No, it's time to emphasize the basics of what America is about. Truth, justice, and freedom. these are the things that made America, and if they die the idea of America dies with it.
I want to address several institutions and groups within the country: Military, the media, academia, the government system; bureaucrats and politicians.. and immigrants.

Each of you has special interests and specific things you would like to see from your government. But I want to look at the bigger picture for the whole country. We want to see freedom, truth and justice be the central things in America.
What preserves us? It is the Constitution. We need to return to the rule of law. We have been swept along whimsical politicians and fickle judgments. The Constitution has been ignored and minimized.  But the Constitution is the source of our freedom & justice.  Those who wish to destroy it are enemies of America. We cannot compromise with these kinds of enemies. We must defeat them if America is to survive.

What we need is a coalition of Americans to take the country back. It is being slowly and systematically dismantled by the enemy within.