Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Bloodless Coup

When a nation is ripe for revolution, there is sometimes YEARS of disgruntled talk, solutions offered, continued oppression, & bullying of the citizens.. IOW, exactly what we have now. The mere suggestion of a revolt or some other remedy does not happen immediately, but there is usually a 'trigger' that sets things off. A face off in lexington. The storming of the bastille. Some kind of event triggers things, & it all goes up in flames. Sure, it is risky, but so is the status quo. Life is a risk, & we should not be afraid to make some changes for fear of upsetting the apple cart. There were mockers in American revolutionary times, too.. laughing at the thought of some upstart locals with muskets defying the mighty English Army. Most of them had to flee to Canada, or they suddenly became patriots. We will always have those. But we desperately need bold patriots who will fight for their freedoms & their country. IMO, we have more now, as a percentage, than we did in 1776, so restoring the constitution would not be that hard. Cowardly liberals talk tough, if they think they have an army or police behind them, but if those back the constitutional people, they will wilt like yesterday's flowers.

A coup in the US could be swift, bloodless, & to the point. A coalition of congressmen, senators, governors, military leaders, & other public figures could make this the easiest coup in history. It just needs to be organized, & acted on.

1. The military already has provisions for keeping the infrastructure going in their 'nation building' plans. They can just do it here instead of in a foreign land.
2. New elections can be held, with local govts overseeing their local elections, with some federal level observers, to ensure legality.
3. A military tribunal can be held to examine charges of treason & corruption within the administration, & arrests made.
4. The coalition can work closely with congress & the senate, with clear directives to follow constitutional limits.
5. The coalition can work closely with the courts, & propose alternative solutions to judicial appointments.
6. Massive dismantling of all the extra governmental meddling that is not allowed by the 10th amendment, & those prerogatives given back to the individual states.

In the new election, many would favor additional amendments &/or laws:
A. Balanced budget.
B. Term limits.
C. Elected judges.
D. Campaign reform.

The goal is to return the country to self rule, & remove the corrupting influences of special interests, the spoils system of appointments, return to fiscal solvency & eliminate career politicians. This is simple, common sense stuff that resonate with Americans. It can work, & we should give it a shot, rather than just continue the downward spiral.

I don't care who does it. All our public servants have vows to the constitution & the American people. If the courts won't stop it, or if congress is too frightened of its shadow to arrest this madness, then let the military arrest him for treason, & force the courts & congress's hand.

I would have more confidence in some disciplined military people than the double-talking politicians & their moneyed cronies. Where has 'trusting' the politicians brought us? Is the constitution followed? Do they keep their vows? NO!! they are complicit with the administration with his treason & gutting of the economy, trampling the constitution, ruling by decree, & plunging us to collapse. I would support a coalition of high ranking military people who went out on a limb to save the country. It IS the last straw, & the last resort for us as a nation, except for a popular uprising without the military. But if they start it, the people will join in & the goal will not be to install a dictator, but to return us to constitutional Law.. the basic premise of the nation. THAT is what America is, not this convoluted, money grubbing, corruption filled, group of liars & scoundrels that has infested our governance for decades.

It is time for drastic action, not more words. Take away their power, they will not surrender it willingly. Force is the last resort for deterrence & submission to Law. Our representatives do not fear the people, but plunder us for their own gain. It is time for the workers of the land to throw off the shackles of oppression & send these moochers & looters to fend for themselves, instead of feasting on our lifeblood.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Consumer Confidence & Money Velocity

Consumer confidence is an unquantifiable variable.. you cannot fix it with edicts, or pompous imperial decrees. It is closely tied to money velocity. When CC is high, so is money velocity. When CC is low, velocity is too. They almost mirror each other.

During the bubble leading up to 2009, consumer confidence was high, even though many other indicators spelled trouble.  Note this chart on money velocity:

You can see the velocity starting to slow in 2006-7. That was a bad indicator, but no one sounded the alarm, as the media are whores to the politicians & bankers, who use these wild swings in the economy to fleece the working man. They killed home ownership in one fell swoop, & took trillions from the people. Oh, sure, the banks lost some capital with the 'toxic loans', but the politicians bailed them out with OUR money!! But the people who lost equity lost it all. No one bailed them out. The govt not only failed in its basic duty to protect the citizens, they were complicit with the plunderers, robbing the citizens of trillions in savings & equity.

What about the 'toxic' loans? These were imperial edicts, by dubya & barney franks, the social engineers in charge of giving everyone a home. Indifferent to the consequences, they mandated banks to loan to anyone, oblivious to the bubble they were creating, & they shrugged off the millions of people thrown into bankruptcy. The poor people did not change. They shrugged it off & went back to govt housing. No losses to them. The banks were bailed out.. they got guarantees for the loans, even though it cost the taxpayers billions, & plunged us into a deep recession that we are still not out of.

The only losers were the working taxpayers. ..those who had some equity in their homes, or who 'invested' in other things with their equity. So a massive swing of real wealth began, taking from the working man, & 'redistributing' it to the bankers, the ruling elite, & their enablers: low information voters.

All we can expect is more of the same, as long as these same looters control the currency & fiscal policy. They will use it to fleece the working man, using Law as an instrument of plunder. I don't know how to give any financial advice in the current market.. the only thing that can fix this is revolution.. wholesale eviction of the looters in charge, with perhaps some guillotines tossed in for good measure. Then, there should be a concerted effort to provide a stable currency.. unemotional, unmoved by pity or charity.  A currency should be amoral.. & be based on indifferent numbers & values. You cannot base a currency on compassion.. or at least, basing it on emotional appeals is a recipe for destruction, which is the least compassionate option.

You cannot manipulate money velocity, else the social engineers would do it. Limiting supply can limit velocity, but that is not the problem. We have plenty of supply, but no CREATIVE demand.. that is, demand created by production, which needs investment, labor, & intelligent innovation. The liberal 'demand' for money is superficial.. it wants the results of money.. tangible wealth, without the investment of capital & labor. They print money to buy stuff, but don't make or create any of the stuff. Stuff comes from overseas, or through govt theft. There is no velocity in this scheme, as the demand for goods is not based on growing wealth in the nation, but money shuffling from a fiat currency. Money is shuffled in artificially by fiat, but it leaches out of the nation, & has little movement within the nation.

Saying velocity CAUSES economic maladies is like saying your high temperature caused the flu. The economy is sick.. too much govt regulation, too much dependency, not enough production.. these are the CAUSAL factors. Velocity, job participation, housing, etc, are all symptoms of a sick economy, given to us by our sick representatives, with a sick world view that makes them think they can control these things by imperial decree.

Obama believes in the progressive/socialist fantasy that he can merely issue an edict, & the economy will respond. He has no clue about market factors, production, & the origin of wealth.

Natural Law: A religious issue?

Natural Law is independent of religious belief. Many skeptics, deists, & even atheists believe in Natural Law. There is no conflict, & even Jefferson acknowledged that in the DOI:

'When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them'

You can call it God. You can call it Nature. You can call it whatever you want, but it is the immutable, UNALIENABLE rights of man, inherent to his existence, equal & independent of all other men. It says your life, your property, & your liberties are natural rights.. native to your existence, & not subject to the whims of others.

The enlightenment thinkers concluded that the CENTRAL role of any collective organization.. the MAIN duty of govt is to secure these rights. AND, if any form of govt becomes destructive of these ends, it is further the people's right to alter & abolish said govt.

This is basic stuff. It is the foundation that America was built upon. You can destroy this foundation, or argue that man has no such rights, or try to trample his rights by violating Natural Law, but it will not last, & you will find yourself on the side of the oppressor, crushing human freedom instead of defending it. You are merely embracing the monarchists role of 1776.

Power is another factor. Power can be used to defend & protect Natural Law & the people, or it can be used to dominate & oppress. In the rare times where power is used to defend human freedom, times of liberty, opportunity, prosperity, & enlightened growth took place.

“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.” ~Albert Einstein

The progressive left argues to deny & ignore natural law, & replace it with authoritarian despotism.. a ruling elite who issue mandates to those beneath them. You would undo what has taken us millennia to achieve, with no thought to the consequences. You do not believe in the equality of man, but the superiority of an evolved 'elite'.. a super human (or super race) who should have the rule over the lessor evolved inferiors. You have become a nazi.

Natural Law is timeless. It is the same whether it is 3000 bc, or ad 1700, or ad 2100. Elitist oppression is also timeless, whether from monarchs, military despots, or superior evolved beings who all claim the privilege to rule. You may succeed in fooling some of the people, with years of propaganda & indoctrination as to your superior state, & your privilege to control & manipulate others, but many of us see this as the same old, tired oppression of yesteryear.. it is so pre 17th century.. i thought we were past that. about someone who wants to live in the past. You are not advocating more freedom for humanity, but a step backwards, where elitist controllers seize power over the working man, to exploit him & fleece him of his labors. You promote the very thing we have struggled for centuries to overcome. This is NOT a religious question. This is a HUMAN issue. Will we advance in our humanity, defend the natural rights of mankind, or descend back to the dark ages?

Wake up, you deluded progressive leftists!! You have been indoctrinated with an anti-human ideology that is leading you & everyone else to bondage. Your hatred for christianity & God blind you to the UNIVERSAL TRUTH & benefit of Natural Law. But you will not be rewarded for your complicity in this subversion, if America fails. You are just another pawn for the elite to manipulate. Oh, you may live, while the champions of freedom are killed, but at what cost? Will you sell out all of humanity for some delusional lie? Despotism will NOT be an improvement for our lot.  As humans, we have been there before. Choose freedom.

You will NOT win, anyway. The genie is out of the bottle. We have tasted freedom, & will NOT return to bondage & oppression. You will have to kill too many people, & you will discover that they will not go quietly into the night, but will fight fiercely for their freedoms. You will awaken the slumbering giant of America, & it will roll over you like a juggernaut.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Death of the Family

 The nuclear family is the most basic building block for society, & is the thread that weaves the social fabric, to mix some metaphors. No culture can withstand the destruction of the family, though many despots & crackpots have tried, over the centuries, to replace the family with some collectivist institution.  The decline of the traditional family is an obvious statistic, but its significance is often lost on the culture.

Destroy the family, you destroy the country. ~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. ~Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

The State must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation. — Adolf Hitler

I know and you know that Chicago is my kind of town. And Chicago is my kind of village. ...And we have learned that to raise a happy, healthy and hopeful child, it takes a family, it takes teachers, it takes clergy, it takes business people, it takes community leaders, it takes those who protect our health and safety, it takes all of us. Yes, it takes a village. And it takes a president. ~Hillary Clinton

Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists. On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution. The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital. Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty. ~Karl Marx, 'The Communist Manifesto'

You see attempts to replace the traditional family structure, even in recent history. Hitler's Youth, Mao's Red Guard, & Stalin's Komsomol, Young Pioneers, and Little Octobrists. The goal was indoctrination.. social engineering, to mold a compliant & subservient cadre of servants to the supreme state.


I see these as symptoms, tactics and tools to destroy the traditional family structure. They have been steadily increasing & govt policy has been pushing us toward these anti-family values:
a. The emasculation of Fatherhood.
b. The eradication of discipline in the family structure.
c. The rampant growth of crime.
d. The corruption of justice into gaming the system, & building state dependency by turning citizens into wards of the state.
e. The proliferation of pharmaceuticals to control people, rather than accountability & personal responsibility.
f. The construction of the fantasy global 'village' to raise children, as subjects of the state. Collectivist view of man.
g. The 'feminizing' of men. Metrosexual & pajama boy liberals elevated as the Male Ideal.
h. The explosion of homosexuality. Gays are made, not born, & progressive ideology has used the confusion of puberty to drive young people to embrace homosexuality. 
i. The demonizing of the Alpha Male. Strong, natural leaders of the social structure are shamed & ridiculed, replaced with PC metrosexual role models.

j. The individual destroying, family breaking act of abortion, pushed upon naive young women, to their detriment & all of society.
k. The destruction of moral absolutes, replaced with relativism & situation ethics.
l. The equating of traditional family with 'exploitation of children', as Marx does in his 'Manifesto'.

A healthy society needs well adjusted men. It needs well adjusted women, too, but the progressive war has been primarily on men. Radical feminists, the anti family squad of progressive ideology, have been systematically attacking & emasculating the alpha male for decades. They wish to build compliant, passive men, who are comfortable lounging in their pajamas watching chick flicks. But no society can survive without fierce warriors & clear thinking, confident leaders to defend the culture from enemies, foreign or domestic.

This chart shows the growth of dependency, but also the surrender of men for their duty to provide & protect, replaced by the progressive village, which only produces town drunks & village idiots. 

This is ALL men, but some minorities have been even harder hit. The welfare state has systematically emasculated the black man for decades now, & the traditional black family is nearing extinction.

The consequences for this will be detrimental to us as a culture.
1. We will be weaker, militarily, as our armed forces will be run & managed by pajama boys.
2. The nuclear family, the fabric of all human societies, is replace by collectivist bureaucrats.
3. Dependency is accelerated, as single women look to the state to raise their children, rather than the traditional family structure.

4. All these things lead to financial & social collapse, as a society cannot function outside of fiscal & social reality. Fantasy dreams of utopia cannot & will not replace the hard realities of life.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Currency, Banking, & Corruption

All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation. ~John Adams

Fractional Reserve Banking is sometimes seen as the same as Fiat currency. It is not. Basically, fractional reserve banking is a method of growing the currency. IF loans are made on productive ventures, the money 'created' is real & has value. But if the loans are just created by fiat.. with NO collateral, they dilute the real value of the wealth.

One of the problems of fiat currency, is it makes reserve requirements irrelevant. What is the purpose of a bank holding reserves to cover its liabilities, if they can just get more cash from the central bank?

Reserves are what a bank has in real assets, to cover their loans. Most fiat nations don't even have reserve requirements, because they can just print up more anytime they need it. But as a sentimental nod to past hard currencies, the US currently has a 3% reserve requirement for most banks.

Here are some examples.
Traditional fractional reserve banking:
Bank A has $1m in assets.
'A' loans Farmer $1m for land improvements, seeds, & equipment, with the future years crops as collateral.
'A' loans Storekeeper $1m to build a storefront & to buy inventory, with future earnings as collateral.
'A' loans Widgetmaker $1m to build a factory, raw materials, & hire workers to make widgets, based on future sales as collateral.
'A' loans Homeowner $1m to build a house for himself, paying contractors & material suppliers, based on the future value of the house as collateral.

In this scenario, bank A loaned out $4m, when they only had $1m in assets. The other $3m was 'created' by the central bank, that bank A borrowed from to make their loans. Since all of this money is based on real wealth being created, this is not inflationary, nor does it devalue the currency. As the borrowers make money off of their ventures, they pay back the bank, who pays back the central bank for the 'created' currency.  Real wealth is created, & there are no diluting or inflationary pressures on the currency.  Even if the currency is fiat, if sound lending practices were followed, there would be HYPOTHETICALLY no inflationary instability.

Regulations come into play in a scenario like this:
'A' loans Nepotist $1m to buy securities, lobby, & make kickbacks to govt officials. The OCC catches them, & puts both banker 'A' & Nepotist in prison.  Any remaining monies are returned to the investors & lenders.

But lets look at the current banking practices.
Bank 'A' has no assets.
'A' loans Scoundrel $10m, for donating $1m to Political Crony's campaign.
'A' loans Shyster $10m, who had loaned Scoundrel $2m to lobby.
'A' loans Conman $10m, who got a grant from Political Crony of $1m to study the effects of lobbying on the money supply.  (no effect, he concludes)
'A' loans bank 'B' $100m, so they can make loans to Crony, Liar, & Weasel. They are lawyers who put together a trade deal to help impoverished nations, an executive order made by Political Crony, who successfully ran for president.
'B' loans bank 'C' $500m who is the channel in payments made in foreign aid, & military contracts.
'C' loans bank 'A' $1B to buy derivatives & securities.

The fed considers all these valid loans, even though NOTHING of value is created. It is all money shuffling. All the small banks have been swallowed up by the central banking cartels. They have no competition, & shuffle cash between themselves, tapping the FED for more & more. NONE of the 'loans' made were based on the creation of wealth, but mere pyramid scheme parameters. This is inflationary, & dilutes the real value of the currency.

THAT is where the problem lies, by allowing shady loans to 'create' money, when nothing is being created. If the banking regulators put the crooks in prison, like they used to, these kinds of ponzi schemes would not dilute the currency or plunge us to bankruptcy. But our own govt is the worst offender. They make loans to themselves, paying interest on borrowed money, with borrowed money, created by fiat. It is a shell game, using smoke & mirrors to confuse everyone & obscure their crimes.

The treasury spends money that congress has allocated. They issue T-bills to get the cash. The Fed buys the t-bills, & gets interest from the treasury. The treasury sells more t-bills to pay the interest, & the Fed gives some of the interest back to the Treasury. The treasury boasts how they are making money off of the interest on t-bills.  It is nothing but a ponzi scheme

The whole system is corrupt, run by money shuffling thieves, with no basis in production. They are driving the currency to collapse.

One of the core concepts of America is that of man's inalienable rights. His right to life & property are paramount, & the ONLY purpose of govt is to protect & secure those rights. FIAT money is at its root a method to plunder the working man & take his property. It is foundationally contrary to the American ideal, & was slipped in by scoundrels & state worshippers to gain control & fleece the producers. It is at the root of statism, & is unamerican at its core. Nothing else we do.. no other reforms or changes will help, as long as the foundational principles of fiat money are in play. It is a redistributionary system employed by statists & oppressors, not a system of self rule. That change, began in 1913, was the turning point of American liberty. Since then, we have increasingly been plundered by a growing ruling class, enabled by the bankers & moneyed elite who also love this system, as they use it to enrich themselves without having to work or produce anything.

How did the stock markets respond to govt managed currency?  Did the Federal reserve bring stability & solvency to financial markets?  Hardly.  They brought the exact opposite:

Since the Fed, we have had wild swings in the markets, with fiat currency & debt used to fleece the producers & working man.  This was a progressive, big govt action, to grow & expand the role & power of a central govt.  The results have been a decrease in opportunity in America, & a destruction of the middle class, once the hallmark of a prosperous America.  Now, the money shuffling elite, who produce NOTHING, live in the lap of luxury on the backs of the working man.

This is just the great fiction that Bastiat wrote about. The delusion that govt can enable people to live off the labors of everybody else. If this delusion becomes a national religion, that society is on a downward spiral. Unless they wake up to the reality of work, production, & the source of wealth, they will collapse upon themselves in a massive dependency orgy.

Monday, September 21, 2015

The American Experiment & the Enemy Within

The Experiment in Self Rule

The American experiment was & is one of the most unique & world changing events in the history of mankind. It introduced a concept that had never been tried before: Self Rule. The mission statement of the Declaration of Independence laid the foundation:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

The key points in this foundation:
1. The Equality of Man.
2. Govt as servant, to secure the rights of the people.
3. Natural Law as the basis for the organization of the collective.
a. Right to Life.
b. Right of Liberty.
c. Right to choose your direction in life.

So the founders crafted an experiment in self rule, based on specific tenets, & with a view to the ultimate goal: Self Rule
This goal was spelled out in the crafting of the Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The goal was not a democracy, but a constitutional Republic, with fixed Law, based on immutable Natural Law, not subject to the whims of a simple majority. JUSTICE and LIBERTY were the primary goals of this experiment. Amendments were provided in the Constitution to clarify the specifics. Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, right to due process, arms, & specific duties of this new govt were spelled out with the hopes of sustaining the new experiment. There was even an amendment specifically forbidding the new govt from going beyond its assigned duties.

The idea of a representative govt, with regular citizens being the representatives became the cornerstone. There was not to be a ruling elite, or a noble class, but equal citizens.. farmers & shopkeepers, as the administrators of this collective organization. This election of 'citizen representatives' was a democratic process in the new republic. But it was not a pure democracy. There was not to be a professional ruling class.

“We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy… It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.” ~ Alexander Hamilton

"A government by representatives elected by the people at short periods was our object, and our maxim... was, 'where annual election ends, tyranny begins;' nor have our departures from it been sanctioned by the happiness of their effects." ~Thomas Jefferson

"All [reforms] can be... [achieved] peaceably by the people confining their choice of Representatives and Senators to persons attached to republican government and the principles of 1776; not office-hunters, but farmers whose interests are entirely agricultural. Such men are the true representatives of the great American interest and are alone to be relied on for expressing the proper American sentiments." ~Thomas Jefferson

This is a summary of the American Experiment. For most of our history, it was required for young students & new immigrants to study these foundational concepts in a civics class, to learn about our system of self rule. For self rule to work, you need an informed electorate, with knowledge of the issues, & a firm grasp of the goals. The structure of the constitution provided a framework of governance, with the ability to change with the times. It provided a balance of powers, with various duties of governance split between separate & equal branches of govt.

In a nutshell, here are the basic tenets of the American Experiment:
1. Citizen Representatives (with subsistence & drudgery as compensation).
2. Separation & balance of powers.
3. Limited, subservient duties of govt.
4. Emphasis on Liberty for the People.
5. Constitutional Republic.

Preserving the Experiment: The Oath

To keep the experiment in self rule alive, it would be necessary to protect it from enemies. Power corrupts, & the founders recognized that there would be aggressive, aspiring scoundrels, seeking to secure power & position for themselves.

When extraordinary power and extraordinary pay are allotted to any individual in a government, he becomes the center, round which every kind of corruption generates and forms. ~Thomas Paine

"Our public economy is such as to offer drudgery and subsistence only to those entrusted with its administration--a wise and necessary precaution against the degeneracy of the public servants." ~Thomas Jefferson

To keep this foremost in mind, & to emphasize it for the citizens & the representatives, an oath was required for public service. All branches of govt were required to swear allegiance to the constitution, to preserve & protect it.

The constitution requires the president to take this oath:
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: — "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." ~ARTICLE II, SECTION 1, CLAUSE 8

Congressmen & justices take this oath:
I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. [So help me God.]

Those in the military take this one:
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Their oath was not to King, or Party, or region, but to an Ideal.. a principle of governance.. a document that outlines a system of self rule. The oath is very similar in all the different branches of govt. The common thread is to defend & protect the constitution from all enemies, foreign or domestic. THAT is their primary job. ..not pleasing people. ..not returning favors to donors. ..not pandering to special interests.

The Enemy Within

I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. ~James Madison

The most deadly enemy to any institution is not the overt enemy, but the false friend. Subversion is a deadly poison that corrupts the ideals & slowly erodes the power & efficacy of the original. We have been in a time of corruption & subversion for many decades, in America. The constitution has been under assault, not from foreign aggressors, but by domestic enemies.. false countrymen, intent on destroying the experiment in self rule. The executive branch has repeatedly ignored laws it is charged to enforce, & declared law outside of its duties. The judicial branch has overtly ignored Law, & legislated from the bench with mental distortions & rhetorical gymnastics. The congress has emasculated itself, & become a playground for elites.. a revolving door for riches for those seeking wealth & power, pandering to special interests, ignoring & trampling the very constitution they have sworn to defend.

During times of war, the citizens of a nation are very alert to subversives, even to the point of paranoia, imprisoning Japanese Americans in WW2 & looking for communist sympathizers during the cold war. But it showed the root desire of national preservation from enemies. Communism was a real threat, & was spreading across the globe. Now, the progressive left ridicules this action in times of crisis, condemning the internment camps & the communist witch hunts. But they merely redefine the issue into some kind of bigotry, when the real motive was self preservation from an enemy. But this 'redefining' is part of the progressive lefts attack on American self rule. They themselves are enemies of American Freedom, & work tirelessly to undermine, ridicule, & trample the constitution. And their propaganda voices are complicit with their treachery. The media, entertainment, academia, & just about all American institutions have been hijacked by leftists, & are steeped in anti American, anti human ideology. Then they worm their way into govt agencies, & usurp the intent of the office as a public servant into a ruling lord. They produce nothing themselves, but take from the working man, & use his resources against him, to undermine & vilify the constitution. They are crashing our own production planes into the towers built to protect & defend the constitution, & have perverted them into weapons against us, burning from within until they collapse the structure to rubble. They destroy the currency with manipulation & dilution of QEs, overload the safety nets with hordes of dependents, invalidate any meaning of citizenship with illegal, unconstitutional immigration, & corrupt the social consciousness with moral relativity & injustice. The progressive left is an enemy of American self rule.

The Solution

1. Recognize the enemy. Rekindle the goal of self rule, & remove the conspirators against it. WAKE UP!! Your enemies have overrun you.. rise & fight!
2. Fulfill your oath. You that have sworn to defend & protect the constitution from ALL enemies, do it. What are you waiting for? If you do not, you are liars & enemies of American Freedom.
3. Educate for freedom, & stop the leftist indoctrination for socialism. The propagandists are undermining the concept of self rule, & building fit tools for subservience. Promote the ideals of America, & do not allow them to be trivialized & demeaned for some statist plot.
4. Stop the corruption & plundering of the treasury. Balance the budget, secure the currency.
5. Return to the principles of citizen representation. End the professional ruling class, & the moneyed elite. Promote term limits & austerity for public service.

6. Sound the Alarm!  We are nearing destruction.  Collapse is imminent.  We either hang on to this experiment in self rule, or we surrender to our enemies & become their subjects.

It has taken decades for the slow corruption of the American ideals to take hold, & it will likely take drastic action to reverse it. This is not a time for timidity or compromise. Our liberty is at stake. The Constitution is under assault. It is time for patriotic Americans to rise up & defend our way of life, our system of government, & our basic freedoms. We owe it to our forefathers, our posterity, & ourselves. We owe it to humanity as the only successful experiment in self rule, to show it as a valid way of life. We owe it to God, who has given us this precious gift of freedom.

This is not a matter of different opinions or flavors of American Liberty, but is Liberty vs Bondage. It is America vs Treachery. These are ENEMIES of America, they are not benign. They do not express mere opinions, but treason, as they attack the very foundation of the constitution. The future of America as an experiment in self rule is at stake. You can choose to be a citizen in a nation of self rule, or a subject in a nanny state regime. Passivity is choosing the latter. Make your choice wisely. The future depends upon you.

"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite." ~Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Islam & the Left: Allies in Destruction

Western civilization is in decline, as the combined influences of collectivism & islamism are uniting to defeat the western world view.

There are 3 basic world views that the majority of people have in the world today:

Western Civilization with basis in Christianity.
a. Man as a Divine creation, with great value to the Creator.
b. Human equality.
c. Collective power used for justice: Enforcing a Higher Law.
d. Natural Law: inherent right to life, liberty & property.
e. Value & sovereignty of the individual.
f. Universe of order. Science, reason, & discovery esteemed.
g. Man should be free.

Marxism/collectivism with basis in naturalism/atheism.
a. Man as animal. Man makes himself.
b. Darwinian evolution: elites are superior to lesser evolved masses. Eugenics as tool of managing humanity.
c. Collective power used to control. Social engineering. Situation ethics.
d. No inherent rights, the ruling elite dispenses privileges as they see fit. Moral relativity.
e. The individual is nothing, the collective is supreme. Utilitarian view of man.
f. Knowledge & information are tools of the state, to promote compliance & man made order.
g. Man should be controlled.

Islamic Caliphate.
a. Man is annoying pest. Allah is fickle about who He likes & doesn't like.
b. Spiritual elite are superior, & are commanded to purge humanity of subhuman, evil unbelievers.
c. Collective power used to enforce religious mandates. Situation ethics.
d. No natural law.. mandates from ruling elite, relative to the need.
e. The individual is nothing, the Caliphate & Allah's representatives are supreme.
f. Knowledge & information are tools of the theocracy, to promote compliance & man made order.
g. Man should be controlled.

As western civilization rose to prominence in past centuries, it kept the muslim caliphate in check, & arrested their quest for world domination. Freedom & Natural Law constantly gained traction as the basis for ideology. But by late 19th century, a rebranded version of collectivism was born, with Marxism & Darwinism combined to create a world view based on naturalism. In a bizarre twist of irony, they have the same basic view of man & a ruling elite as the muslim caliphate. Both see man as needing control & 'engineering' from a ruling elite. By early 20th century, progressivism was born, which continued the tradition started by marxism & darwinism. A ruling elite was needed to manage & control the unwashed masses. Eugenics sprouted, & social engineering grew along with the conviction that inferior humans should be eliminated from the gene pool. Muslims had this same view, of cleansing humanity from evil unbelievers & apostates. But by the mid 20th century, the pinnacle of western civilization, both the collectivist social engineers & the muslim caliphate builders were overpowered by western power, driven by western ideology. Collective aggression & authoritarian control were defeated in a great world war that left the caliphate builders in shambles, & competing versions of totalitarian collectivism scrambling to consolidate power.

By late 20th century, western civilization was in decline, with progressive collectivism attacking from within the core ideology of Natural Law. But the versions of collectivism that were actually in place could not sustain themselves, & much of their centralized power was lost. The USSR split up. China made concessions to capitalism. During this time, Islam continued to grow, & removed itself from the control of the west. The competing versions of totalitarian naturalism & islamic theocracy made up most of the rest of the world, especially in the middle east. Islamism continues to grow & is becoming a world power & mainstream ideology. Progressivism in the west continues to chip away at the foundations of western culture, weakening it as a world view, & promoting leftist ideals, which have not worked anywhere they have been implemented.

If the anti western, anti American, anti christian propaganda continues to erode western civilization, the combined ideologies of naturalistic collectivism & islamism will soon overwhelm the remnants of western civilization. America is the last stronghold, & it is fading fast, driven down the road to destruction by progressive ideology that has infiltrated it.

But the combined efforts to destroy western civilization by both the collectivists & the islamists are working. The void left by the disintegrating west, & especially the American hegemony will likely be filled by either totalitarian China, a muslim caliphate yet unborn, or an uneasy alliance of the 2. But any of these possibilities spell the end of western civilization, along with the dignity & equality of man, & the sense of Natural Law. We are already in a post christian world, with memories & remnants of the ideology driving people out of habit. But when the memories are gone, the habits of civility, dignity, & individual sovereignty will die as well. Barbarism will once again define the culture, & might will be worshiped as a god. Ethnic & ideological 'cleansing', to rid the world of apostates, or to evolve a 'new man' will become hip & mainstream again.

This is the future of western civilization, if those in it remain passive to the current path of destruction. We can watch our civilization crumble before us, by letting the collectivist left & the islamists dismantle the foundations of our culture, or we can resist them, & fight to keep what has taken us millennia to achieve. But this is the direction we are going. Wake up, Western Man! Your culture & civilization are under siege! Rise & fight!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The End of Government

Government has no other end, but the preservation of property. ~John Locke

I have thought long & hard on this simple statement from Locke. I have felt for years that the primary duty of any collective organization of human beings (aka, govt) was Justice. But the more i think about Locke's quote, i can see how they interconnect.

Justice is the action of a collective entity to enforce Law. This 'collective entity' (govt) is merely a hired surrogate to protect the citizens from criminals, foreign or domestic. We codify our morality into Law, then pay justice providers to enforce it. This enforcement acts both as a deterrence, & keeps society safe, by removing any threat. It brings stability, Law, & order into the culture.

At the core of justice is the protection of property. Most criminals try to take stuff that isn't theirs. They steal what they did not work for by violence or stealth. Our justice provider, government, is an entity we have created & hired for the express purpose of protecting our property from these thugs.

In the American Experiment, this is the mission statement of Govt:
..Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.. ~Declaration of Independence

In the DOI, govt is charged with securing the basic rights of the people: Life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness. Unspoken yet implied, is the 'preservation of property' that Locke spoke of. And since Locke's writings were influential & foundational for the American Founders, one can see that 'property' is an important part of individual freedom.

The core of Natural Law is summed up, imo, in these 3 things:

1. Right to Life. Your person is a sovereign entity, & is deserving of protection by the collective organization.
2. Right to Liberty. You have the right to make & enjoy the consequences of your choices in life.
3. Right to Property. The things in life you have worked for & created are yours, & the collective organization is specifically charged with protecting your stuff, not letting thugs or foreign invaders take it.

Most of our codified Law is detailed explanations & conditions of the protection of property. Legal descriptions, rights, ownership, possession, etc are all fundamental issues of property. If the govt of a society is not protecting the citizens from looters who take property that they did not work for, then it is derelict in its most basic duty. Worse, yet, if this govt becomes complicit with the looters, using the force of Law to steal from the citizens, it is not just derelict, but has become the very thing govt was organized to protect us from.  Govt has become the enemy of the working man.

In the American Experiment, we have a Remedy for any violations of our basic rights. We have attempted an experiment of self rule, crafting a system of checks & balances to minimize corruption & the hijacking of the Law by looters. But if the system becomes completely corrupted by looters, & all of the justice providers are complicit with those taking the lives, liberties, & property of the working citizens, THEN we have no other option but to exercise the last option:

Alter or abolish it, & institute new govt.

..That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.. ~Declaration of Independence

If the hired stewards of govt cannot or will not do the job we have hired them to do, but have made themselves into Lords or bullies of the citizens, they leave us no other option but to remove them & replace them with those who will do the job that we have hired them to do. This has been our failure, as the voting citizens of the nation. WE have elected these people, & been dupes to their lies & deception. WE allow them to continue in corruption, plundering the treasury, plunging us into outrageous debt, & exploiting us with our own money. They have now constructed a juggernaut of govt, with a good old boy network of govt enablers, lobbyists, media propaganda megaphones, & citizen paid indoctrination. They are so firmly entrenched in their looting that voting has become a useless exercise.. a rigged system that they control for their own agenda, not the interests of the people, & with no consideration for their lives, liberties, & property.

If we cannot retake this system of self rule, America is finished. We cannot sustain hordes of looters plundering the producing workers of society. If we cannot get a majority of Americans to wake up to this destruction, & elect capable, responsible servants of the public trust, it will fall upon dedicated activists to retake the nation by force. Those are the only options.

Preservation of Property. This is the end of govt. If they are preserving the worker's property, they are achieving their ends. If they are not, it needs to end. Either way, preservation of property is the end of govt.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Stories of America: Production & Prosperity

The traits that made America a healthy, vibrant society were a strong work ethic, a universal sense of morality, & a productive citizenry. To have a strong economy, most of the citizens must labor at something useful & productive for society. Moochers & looters should be minor factors, & in a healthy society, there is strong cultural pressure for them to contribute, rather than just take.

Being on the dole used to be an embarrassment, & many people, even those who needed assistance, would not take it. A sense of pride & dignity flavored the moral base of the nation, & even poor folks were reluctant to take 'charity', if they could manage at all.

I am intimately familiar with several poor families that went through the great depression. These are cultural examples of traditional American society. These were productive, hard working citizens, who felt their current condition was just a temporary embarrassment, & they would work their way out of it. None of these families went on the dole, or took public assistance of any kind. Oh, i know that fellow family members all chipped in if one had urgent needs, but this was a FAMILY problem, not a societal one.

1. My maternal grandmother.  Born at the turn of the last century, her family came to Tx with some of the other Houstons from Ky before & after the civil war. She married & had a child in Tx, then 2 more in California, where they moved right before the depression. My grandfather worked construction, & the stress of the move, strong personalities, & no doubt the economic climate of the time took its toll on their marriage. They split, & my grandfather faded from the picture, by his own choice, aided by my grandmother who evaded him. Some of those details are lost in family folklore, but the end result was a single mother with 3 small children living in southern California.. grapes of wrath kind of thing.

She was very frugal, & told stories about when her siblings needed money, they would always look to her. 'Tiny has something hidden away', they would say, & sure enough, she had a bit of cash stashed, & it would cover a crisis. She was also a survivor, & remarried another construction worker, while living in Cal. When my dad was a teenager, he dropped out of school to work with his step dad on the panama canal. They sent money back to the family for their support. My dad was the oldest, & he put his brother & sister through school, until the Big War broke out. He had just turned 21, & joined the navy, no doubt from familiarity with ships & servicemen in Panama. His baby sister married a poor farm boy from Missouri, who joined the army. The younger brother also joined the army & went into the air corps. After the war, my dad got his GED, went back to college, graduated valedictorian as an electrical engineer, & designed power plants. My uncle became a dentist, & my aunt raised her kids, married to a career army guy, stationed in Japan, Germany, & other places over the years.

They all put their kids through college, sent money every month to their old mother, & lived productive, industrious lives. They all died well to do, beneficiaries of their hard work, opportunity, & a vibrant national economy, built by these kinds of people.. working people who made things, & provided necessary, useful services to society.

2. My wife's mother. Born at the turn of the last century, raised by an aunt after her mother & father died when she was an infant. She grew up in Emporia, Ks, the daughter of Irish, German, & Scotch immigrants coming from Ohio & Michigan to settle in Kansas. She married & had 3 kids with a bricklayer, & became a young widow when he died during the peak of the depression while working in Wyoming. She returned to Kansas with the small children, & remarried another bricklayer, & had 3 more kids with him. Work was scarce during the depression, & you had to go where it was, if you didn't have other means of survival. They moved to Kansas City after the war, where my wife was born. She was the only child in the family to go beyond high school, and most of the boys became bricklayers, like their dad. A couple became successful contractors, & all of them bought houses, & lived the American Dream.

3. My stepmother's family. My stepmother was born to descendants of poor farmers living in S. Missouri. She grew up in the depression, & her dad would work for $1 per day. They had a garden & an extended family with many aunts & uncles. They were very religious, & committed to family. They hunted to supplement their food supply, & raised chickens & usually a pig. They canned vegetables & fruits, & lived rural, fairly self sufficient lives. They never had much, but had strong, interconnected family & church/community ties.

These are examples of what made America. There are thousands, if not millions more, in every region, from every family. What they had in common was a strong work ethic & family unity. Each of these families went through difficulties that no modern family in America can relate to. They went hungry. Basic food supplies were scarce, & money was tight. Jobs were scarce, & you had to leave your home sometimes to go where the work was. There was assistance, but it was viewed with disdain.. you could stand in soup lines, or get a job with the WPA (we piddle around, said the old timers), but not very many people went that route. In the 19th century, civil jobs were mostly for the disabled or the addled, except for law enforcement. But street sweepers, lamplighters, etc, were often the less capable, mentally or physically. There were poor houses, for elderly paupers, who had no family & who had no means of support. So civil jobs were often seen as semi-charitable.. something 'make work' to provide for those who did not have the tools to work in the real world. Capable, able bodied & intelligent adults were not expected to do those kinds of jobs, as a whole. Big cities had a different culture, & civil jobs had a different perception there. But in rural, small town, middle America, which was the majority of the nation, there was no looking to govt to fix things, or provide for everyone. You were expected to work, not mooch off of everyone else. There was no tolerance for sloth or laziness.

"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires." ~John Steinbeck

Production is what builds a vibrant economy. Hard work & intelligent industry is what makes production. Mooching & dependency is an enemy of a healthy, prosperous society, & needs to be discouraged by society.
But instead, mooching & looting are esteemed as superior means of living. Hard work is for saps, or for fools who aren't clever enough to make it by huckstering & chicanery. The end result of this 'new' ideology in America will be collapse & destruction.

"No country can sustain in idleness more than a small percentage of its numbers. The great majority must labor at something productive." ~Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

When Government becomes the Enemy

America was founded on the premise of human equality, individual liberty, & Natural Law. A collective system of rule was organized to accomplish the basic duties of govt: National defense, domestic justice, & regulation of commerce, with the overriding responsibility of securing the rights of the people. A minimal system of organization with citizen representatives was chosen, with checks & balances to minimize corruption & the ambitions of men.

That was the ideal. Have we reached it? Are we even going in the right direction? It is important in any journey to look back to see where we have come from, where we are, & what direction we are currently heading. Are we moving toward or away from our goals? 

We are NOT moving in the right direction, to achieve American Ideals, but have turned toward statism & collectivism. The evidence of our departure from the American ideals of freedom & self rule are legion, & spell the end of the republic, if we do not change course & return to the standards of self rule.

1. Looting the producers

a. Collectivist concepts of 'social justice' trampling the individual right to property. Socialism & govt control corrupting the bill of rights.
b. Flood of dependents: looters & moochers exploiting the working producers of the nation.. unsustainable & driving us to collapse.
c. Steady, slow decline of real production in the nation. Work ethic dying, mooching & huckstering elevated as means of survival.
2. Corruption & misuse of public treasury
a. Foreign aid, grants, unconstitutional spending of the taxpayer's money, corruption, graft, crony-ism, nepotism
b. Outlandish spending on govt officials salaries, pensions, benefits
c. Corruption in election process, lure of power & money, lobbying & special interests.
d. Meddling & manipulation of the currency.. dilution of produced wealth, & collusion with the moneyed elite.
e. Predatory lending-- student loans. Return to dark ages lending practices
f. Market manipulation, causing bubbles & crashes, bringing hardship & needless suffering on the working producers of the nation, while the ruling elite live in the lap of luxury at their expense.
g. Welfare State. Breeding dependency, promoting bigotry, & destroying the family: the nuclear core of society. Promoting inferiority & low expectations in cultures of dependency & violence.
3. Defying the limits of the constitution
a. Wage war indiscriminately by executive branch
b. Executive orders/legislation
c. Cherry pick laws to enforce/ignore
d. Legislate from the bench/judicial overreach.
e. breakdown of checks & balances, complicity in trampling the constitution, emasculation of legislative branch.
5. Systematic takeover of all financial markets & control - housing, loans, banking, cronyist collusion of govt & business interests.
6. Transformation of collective education into state sponsored indoctrination.
7. Corruption of reason & science into 'facts by decree' by self appointed experts, & scorn toward the scientific method

a. Promotion of mob rule, loss of due process.
b. Media driven hysteria, without facts with complicity & inflammation from govt officials.
c. Promotion of 'messiah' mindset, with the citizens being indoctrinated to look for a Supreme Leader to lead them to the promised land. Celebrity worship & adulation of man.

1. Promotion of a ruling elite. ..departure from citizen representative govt.

a. Corruption of ideal of self rule, & slow degradation to imperial rule
b. Complicity of media, academia, & govt to a ruling elite & celebrity worship of leaders.
2. Promotion of the Great Fiction, that govt can enable you to live off of everybody else. Disdain for production & work.
3. Lax watchfulness from the electorate, duped into believing the lies from the hucksters.
4. Constant indoctrination from the collusion of media, entertainment, academia, & govt.
5. The concept of the 'new man' who is evolved & altruistic. 

a. To reach that goal, the 'old man' has to be eliminated, except for the ruling elite. Disdain for life.
b. Class system revival, with elitist experts & nannies who pretend to know better what is good for the people, instead of just doing the job we have assigned them.
6. The universal drive to live off the labors of others. These leeches are drawn to govt like flies to rotten meat.

1. Defiant activism from the producers.

a. Say 'NO' to the childish demands of support from the moochers & looters.
b. Defy unconstitutional overreaches. Assert your rights to your property, life, & liberties.
c. Be an American. This is your heritage & birthright. Do not let slimy usurpers take the prize of freedom that your forefathers fought & died to give you.
2. Stop the gravy train. Take control of the finances
a. Balance the budget.
b. Cut govt programs, massively. National defense, domestic justice, & simple regulations for commerce are the constitutional directives. All others belong to the states.
c. Remove the manipulation of the currency from the moneyed elite, & return to a hard currency, indexed to real production & real assets. No fiat currency.
d. Money follows power, & power money. Strengthen & guard the checks & balances so they work, & have severe punishment for betrayal of the public trust.
3. Elect responsible, CITIZEN representatives, with term limits, & minimize an elite ruling class.
4. Open rebellion.

a. Armed defiance may be the only recourse, as the statist moochers will not give up their positions willingly.
b. It is the right of the people to alter or abolish any govt that does not secure our basic rights.
c. Domestic enemies of the constitution are just as dangerous, & more deceptive than foreign invaders.

Government has become the Enemy of the People. They do NOT promote fair, level regulations, but have become a breeding ground for thieves & scoundrels. They are driving us AWAY from the values of American Freedom, & toward despotism & imperial rule. 

Wake up, America! Your enemy is within. Progressive ideology is destroying the once noble dream of self rule & subservient government. They are building a monster, & it is devouring us. They are stripping us of our freedoms, our property, & our very lives. They come to kill & destroy. They are a cancer on humanity, & will not stop their destruction willingly. It is past time for action. It is past time for defiance. Our govt has forgotten its place, & needs a reminder.

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." ~Patrick Henry