Almost all of our collective, national problems are related to money. Yet it is probably the most misunderstood concept. You cannot print real wealth, only currency, which is just a symbol of wealth. Our whole economic system hinges around our currency, which we rely on the govt to manage. But they have shirked that responsibility & delegated it to an independent, non-elected board known as the federal reserve.

Historically, the United States has been a hard money country. Only [since 1913] has the United States operated on a fiat money system. During this period, paper money has depreciated over 87%. During the preceding 140 year period, the hard currency of the United States had actually maintained its value. Wholesale prices in 1913... were the same as in 1787. ~Kenneth Gerbino

For 140 years, while the US had a 'hard' currency, prices remained relatively constant. There were normal cyclical ups & downs, but values remained steady. The currency was stable, savings were safe, & hard work was rewarded with increase.

Then, in 1913, with the creation of the federal reserve, the slow erosion of the currency began, culminating in 1973 when the US currency became completely fiat. Since then, 'value' has constantly changed, savings were diluted, & inflation became a tool of govt manipulators. It is so common now, we hardly think of it.

With the exception only of the period of the gold standard, practically all governments of history have used their exclusive power to issue money to defraud and plunder the people. ~Friedrich August von Hayek

Inflation is not sustainable. Eventually, the currency pyramid scheme collapses. It may take 100 years, but it will collapse. We can witness the slow deterioration of the american dollar, with its beginnings in 1913.  A govt that uses its power to plunder the people has failed in its basic duty, & should be replaced & reorganized.

In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. ... This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard. ~Alan Greenspan

All that fiat currency does is rob the producers.. the wealth creators. It dilutes the actual value, enabling money shufflers to skim the wealth without doing anything. They print more money, shuffle it around, & everybody gets a cut.. except those who actually produced it. They are being systematically robbed.

It will not be easy to turn this trend around. A return to the gold standard is impractical in our modern economic times, but a 'hard' currency is the only safe, moral, & equitable solution. The QEs & banker manipulated dilution of the currency will only lead to collapse, and the working man will return to his historical place as a serf. This is not what 'We the People' want. This is not what America is about. A hard currency, tied to actual production restrains the money shufflers & diluters, & prevents them from fleecing the people. The current fiat system is heaven to them. They can keep fleecing the working man, even raising his wages, yet taking it back by inflation of goods & currency dilution.

1. Return the direct management of currency to elected officials.. specifically, congress.

2. Let them issue currency, based on the ACTUAL production of the nation, not the phony GDP money shuffling numbers they bandy about. Tie it to food, manufacturing, construction, & any REAL wealth building enterprises.

3. Do NOT include financial sectors, or any non productive sectors such as govt, entertainment, academia, etc, as they do not produce actual wealth.

4. Provide clear, transparent accounting of all the currency.

5. All collective activities should be paid for by taxation of the citizens. No debt or shady interactions with bankers or electioneering dealers.

6. Stop all theft from the producers. End redistribution policies, foreign aid, military meddling, & the welfare state. Encourage production & a work ethic to build a sustainable, healthy, lasting society.

Without a stable, consistent currency, no society can last. A system that breeds corruption, graft, & plunders the public treasury never lasts long, & dooms any culture to a byword of history.