Saturday, September 13, 2014

Anarchy as governance?

The central duty of government is to provide justice. At its very basic form, it is a cop. That is all the people need. A cop to deter & punish aggressors, foreign or domestic. The american system of citizen representatives is just a means to hire cops. We also hash out the details of the law, through the elected representatives, at both the local & national level. Then the cops enforce it. The legislative branches do NOT enforce the law, they only tweak it & codify it, in our stead. They are NOT supposed to act on their own, or in their own interests, but in the interests of the general public. This is just a collective process, that we have evolved from the authoritarian, 'might makes right' systems of the past.

Anarchy destroys this process. There is no citizen representative to tweak the laws, or codify it in our stead. Anyone can do it, & if they have the juice, they can enforce THEIR vision of the law. This is merely a return to 'might makes right', & strips the people from having any influence in the law making process. History is full of cultures being oppressed & plundered by tyrants, parties, coalitions, kings, juntas, or caliphs all using LAW as an instrument of plunder, to take from the working man the fruits of his labors. The ONLY HOPE the working man has if if he can control the process, or have major influence, which is the goal of the american experiment. Anarchists wish to end this experiment, & return us to the dark ages, or worse. The power of the process of law making is too important & too easily abused to leave it to the aggressive, the strong, the rich; & this is what anarchy does, by stripping the people of their collective power, that we have built into this system.

Pretending there can be 'no rulers' or no system of law is the most absurd fantasy in the history of human governance. Laws are constantly crafted.. some good, some bad, & need constant supervision & enforcement. Everything from traffic laws, to patents, to property rights gets more complex, the more dense the population gets. More regulations come with more population. That is inevitable. To try to summarize every detail of law into some general platitude is madness & folly. An accident in a busy intersection cannot be adjudicated by the non aggression principle. The property rights of a patent need more legal examination than some sense of 'common law' can provide.

Why is this so hard to understand? Why do anarchists plug their ears & stubbornly repeat their mantras of non aggression? Why is this even an issue for thinking, rational people? It is calling evil, good. Madness, wisdom. Destruction, order. It is a model for disaster, nothing else. It has no basis in history or reason. ALL anarchist ideology has resulted in destruction & chaos, from as far back as you want to follow this bizarre thread of human ideology. It is just as absurd.. perhaps more so.. than the convoluted progressive, leftist ideology that pretends the state can be a benevolent taskmaster, if we relinquish all control of it to the experts. BOTH of these ideologies KILL the concept of self rule, & citizen representation in the lawmaking process.

Why would we want to do either of these things? How can we believe the lies that either of these could be valid, useful tools in our collective governance? Both of them lead to despotism & oppression. THAT is where we are going, if we do not rescue the american ideal of self rule.

In times past, anarchists contented themselves with 'propaganda of the deed', or blowing stuff up. Talk & reason isn't really their thing.. action & explosions are more satisfying to them. Logic gets stuck in their beards, & they long for some blast echo against their faces.

It is a peculiar ideology.. i suspect popular more for seeming to be 'hip', or 'trendy' or 'avantgarde'. IMO, it is a rogue male thing, who seem most drawn to its philosophy. But i don't get the attraction of progressive thought, either...  Both seem so irrational & fantastic.. i can't really see how someone arrives at that thinking. I was raised in progressive indoctrination, too. But a few years of real history study, reading classics, studying philosophy, & especially the american founders, & the 'dream' of america captured my imagination. But i have to credit my grandmother.. she gave me a parchment copy of the declaration of independence when i was 7.. i had fun trying to decipher the f's into s's.. & even years later, the words were deep in me, & resonated in my mind. All men created equal. Endowed with unalienable rights. Govt to secure these rights, or be altered or abolished. As a model or mission statement for human governance, i have still not read anything to match it.

But that is old fashioned. It is not cool or trendy, like the regurgitated 'isms' of today. So we will be sold out for fashion, & an illusion of hipness, for the usual standard of human society: despotism.

Important point:

Libertarian does NOT equal anarchy. Most libertarians are for limited govt, that does not intrude into personal decisions.. they might be for drug legalization, but they do not advocate anarchy. They might disagree with some points in the constitution, but they basically agree with the concept of rule by law, instead of 'no ruler' or despotism.
Just like some progressives like to hide in republican garb (rinos, they are called), some anarchists hide in libertarian clothing, ready to destroy ALL hierarchies & any semblance of organization.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Absurdity of Anarchy

The central goal of anarchism is the dissolution/destruction of all governing systems. 'No Rulers!' is the cry, & any organized hierarchy is seen as an enemy. It is an absurd ideology, that ignores some of the most basic realities of human nature. 

Q. Does man need a governing system?
A. 1. Man is a herd animal. The basic unit of mankind is the nuclear family. Anthropologically, this basic unit is the building block of the herd. Within that herd, there are sometimes rogue males, who disrupt the social fabric. And there are detached females, with or without children, who depend on the central core of the herd for protection & sustenance. In a healthy herd, all do their part & the disruption & dependency is minimal. The central core of family heads provide the protection, & must be united to present a deterrence to dangers & disruptions. The rogue males are kept in check by the core of family heads, & are either run off or submit to the power structure. The central role of the united family heads is to provide protection.. from outside aggressors, or inside disrupters.. i will call this 'Justice'.
2. Size of the 'herds' correlates with the organization needed to provide justice. Small, detached family units need little organization to function. Justice is simple, & easily adjudicated by the family unit. But as population density increases, the need to organize also increases. Remote country roads need no traffic controls. Busy urban intersections do. A single sherriff can provide protection for a large, sparsely populated county, but a dense city needs a big police force. This also carries over to national protection. A large, affluent society needs more deterrence to protect from outside aggressors. Thieves & imperialistic nations will come in & plunder the resources of a people, if they do not have the means to deter them. Some herds unite in larger coalitions, but these have become so blurred as to be indistinguishable from a single large herd of modern national identity.
3. As society grows & evolves, the reach of the central power system has gone through many changes. We have had kings & emperors, caliphs & parties, juntas & coalitions. Some have done a better job at providing justice for the citizens than others. Some have claimed divine ordination, or special privilege to rule. Some have ruled by decree, whimsically dictating justice to a confused people. Then the concept of LAW began to grow. This is the idea that there is a higher set of rules that EVERYONE is subject to, not just the ruled people. The lords, kings, caliphs, or anyone in authority was subject to this law. You see that in the 10 commandments.. the magna carta.. martin luther's 95 theses.. these are all appeals to LAW over subjective, imperial decree. This concept was codified into a system of governance in the american experiment. We were not to be ruled by elected leaders, but by LAW.. the elected representatives were in charge of protecting, tweaking, & crafting these laws for the protection & benefit of all.
4. In historically disruptive times, when the existing organizing system breaks down, there is chaos & disorder. The strong oppress the weak, theft & murder goes unchecked, & a vacuum is created. In every instance, a new system of order is forthcoming. It is usually despotic, with a powerful central govt that takes authoritative power to 'bring order'. The people submit to this, & prefer it to the chaos of disorder & crime.

Summary: Yes. Man needs & always wants some kind of social order & justice system in his collective communities. The more moral a people are, & the more they recognize & esteem natural law in a society, the less intrusion is needed by the justice providers. This is the closest you can get to a voluntarist society, where a moral people live in united harmony under an agreed upon core of law. It does not eliminate the need for order, it just minimizes the cost & effort of the society to provide it.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.” ~Benjamin Franklin

Q. Can society function 'without rulers'? Is an anarchist system possible?
A. 1. If justice is a commodity, it can be bought & sold to the highest bidder. This is a 'devolution' of society into more primitive governance, where 'might makes right'.
2. Without a common defense, with power to enforce it, there would be a proliferation of 'justice providers', battling each other for control, & none as strong as if they combined their forces. This weakens the society, & would encourage crime & foreign aggression.
3. There are NO examples of this actually working in any society in the history of mankind. A few small tribes functioning in a vacuum of power for a while is not a shining example of anarchism working in a modern industrial society.

Q. Why should the state have a monopoly of force?
A. This prevents corruption of justice, if the justice providers are HIRED by the people to dispense justice for society. Competing justice providers are merely gang turf wars on a national scale. A citizen run, citizen funded, citizen overseen system of blind justice is the best for preventing corruption, providing fair, unbiased justice, & is a more efficient system than multiple, competing justice providers. National defense is also better under a single, powerful deterrent force, than many competing factions. The native american tribes exemplify that point.

Q. Why not boil all the law down to 'thou shalt not initiate aggression'?
A. God himself, sir, gave 10 commandments to moses. The son of god summarized them like this:
Matt22:36“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37And He said to him, “ ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ 38“This is the great and foremost commandment. 39“The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ 40“On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”
'Initiate aggression' is too vague. It is not a model for a system of governance, or a system of law. It is a return to the old way of 'everyone did what was right in his own eyes', aka 'might makes right'. If you are starting a religion, & want to use this as a starting point, good luck with that. You have no basis or authority to appeal to, just some vague notion of 'natural rights' which the aggressors will ignore & plunder you & yours with superior force. You rely on the goodwill & altruism of man, which is not there, collectively. It exists in singular form, rarely, but still needs the deterrence of punishment of law breaking to keep order in society.

Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." –William Penn

In the black & white world of the anarchist, there is only statism & 'no rulers'. They see no difference between a limited, subservient govt & totalitarian despotism. The nuances of governance are ignored, as they pitch their fantasy of 'no rulers'. But true to form, they disrupt & destroy any semblance of order to promote their fantasies. Law & order, logic, human governance, & even the concept of self rule are ridiculed & heckled by them as 'statist' or authoritarian.

At its root, anarchism is chaos. It is 'no order', & pretends that this is a virtue. They have spread chaos in every generation since the concept has gained traction. It has never become a system of national identity, but has always been crushed by stronger forces, supported by the people who want law & order, & the ability to live & work in peace. Anarchists destroy. They build nothing. They tear down any hierarchy, order, or organization in a society, whatever it is. They were stereotypically bearded, bomb throwing rogue males... atheists, agents of chaos, & haters of any tradition or religious values. They can hide behind the anonymity of the internet, now, but their goal is the same. Chaos. Disorder. Destruction.

We can learn from history, evolve as a society & pursue human freedom & sound governance, or we can be stuck in an endless loop of doomed repetition. Anarchy is a celebration of that loop, & is a surrender of the social structure of society to the rogue males.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The progressive left: Enemy of America. Enemy of mankind.

The history of humanity is a record of man's quest for personal freedom. Leftist ideology is a step backward in that quest. More than that, it is an enemy of human freedom.

1. Rule of law versus Imperial mandate.
Over the millennia, the concept of Law has evolved as the preferred system of governance. Imperial decrees, while efficient & effective in accomplishing ideological goals, have been historically damaging to the overriding goal of human freedom. Law, codified into systems of governance are a check to oppressive rule by decree. The 10 commandments, the magna carta, the american constitution, & even the 95 theses Martin Luther nailed on the door are attempts to elevate Law as the arbiter of justice, rather than the whims of a ruler. But the progressive left sees the rule of law as a hinderance to their goals. They have an agenda, & need power to be used for mandates, rather than blindly upholding Law. Law is something to manipulate, not enforce. They pick & choose what laws they want to enforce, ignoring the core values of rule by law. They drag us backward in our quest for freedom, shackling us in the timeless chains of imperial rule. The constitution is ignored, trampled, & ridiculed as outdated & irrelevant, as they push for rule by decree & imperial mandate.

2. The basic rights of life and property.
To the leftist, the individual is not a sovereign entity, but a statistic.. a pawn of their social engineering manipulations. Neither life nor property is safe from them, as they see the state as supreme, & the owner of everything & everyone. The concept of the right to your own property is contrary to the state centered, redistributional goals of the leftist. People are not free to work for their own advancement & prosperity, but are tools of the state in the fools errand of 'social justice', where the great fiction is believed, & people attempt to live off of everyone else through govt theft. They worship the state, & see it as the savior of mankind, bringing equality & harmony to all. But they deliver oppression, theft, & state domination, as the simplest, most basic right to the individual is trampled in the name of economic justice: The right to property.

3. Other rights that have evolved such as freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, the right to due process, face your accuser, presumption of innocence, etc.
Facts & evidence have no importance to the leftist, only propaganda & manipulation. Their agenda is supreme, & everything revolves around it. They do not wait for facts or due process, but rush to judgement in the most absurd cases. They take a media edit of a 911 call, 'He looks black', & trump it up to a big racial issue, not waiting for, but ignoring the evidence, promoting their racial agenda, regardless of the facts. Their propaganda is constantly distorting reality & the facts, just to promote some social narrative & further their agenda.

4. The uniquely American concept of government as a protector and defender of individual rights.
The left is anti american.. oh, they love big govt, but not the constitutional, limited govt of the american dream. They see govt as an implementer of their social justice, redistribution, & socialist goals, not as a defender of individual rights. They want a govt nanny.. a behemoth that interjects itself in every aspect of our lives, dictating what to eat, where to live, where to work, lifestyle, & economic goals. The constitution is seen as outdated & an old fashioned restriction on their dreams of social utopia. Their support of the irs to punish their ideological enemies, & intimidate those who oppose them is just one example. The DOE, EPA, & many other govt agencies are complicit in pushing a leftist agenda & state centered power, NOT securing our basic rights. They see themselves as lords of the manor, not servants of the people.

5. Police state abuses.
In a bizarre twist of irony, the left opposes law & order, & normal human justice, but promotes state centered power & intimidation. Police are hindered & demonized in their normal duties of law enforcement, but federal intervention in land disputes with a citizen are applauded. Unconstitutional & irrational expansion of police power have been steadily growing in the leftist run, progressive based administrations, promoting the notion that the state holds the power, not the people. Fear & intimidation are used, & constant threats & limits are placed on the 2nd basic right of americans: To keep & bear arms, which is the final deterrence to an oppressive government.

6. The destruction of society by overload. One of the central goals of leftist ideology is the 'cloward-piven' strategy, where the goal is to overload our governing systems. Muddy justice, immigration, entitlements, welfare state abuses, & the ruin of the currency by deficit spending, the dilution by 'quantitative easings', & massive growth of govt. The producers in a nation cannot support this much dependency, & it will collapse the system. The left hopes to blame this collapse on the american system, when it is a conspiracy of their own making. But their propaganda will demonize the taxpayers, capitalism, or some other scapegoat to further their collectivist goals.

7. Demonizing American values.
The concepts of self rule, citizen representatives, limited, subservient govt, freedom & opportunity are enemies of leftist ideology. They distort these concepts into racism, greed, hate, & build evil caricatures of the american experiment. They constantly compare american freedom to fascists, nazis, racists, and any oppressive, hate centered ideology out there. But their race obsessed, govt mandated ideology is more akin to these demons than the american ideal of freedom, equality, & justice for all. Truth is not their goal, but manipulating propaganda, to build their false narrative.

There is more. I am not trying to be conciliatory, or find common ground. I see the progressive left as enemies of human freedom, & opposing all that america stands for. Americans who see the dream, & want to keep the experiment in liberty alive should resist these villains at every opportunity. They have hijacked almost every american institution, & poisoned them with their lies & propaganda. Too many americans are in a drugged stupor, blinded by the lies & distortions of the progressive left, & are unwitting dupes in this most basic battle for human liberty. If we do not turn from this path, we will wake up as slaves in this nation founded on liberty.